This has always been my interpretation of her struggles with the media. I think it's taken her awhile to understand that the environment she grew up in is not the one she is currently inhabiting.
This has always been my interpretation of her struggles with the media. I think it's taken her awhile to understand that the environment she grew up in is not the one she is currently inhabiting.
Well, it's about time. Not that this excuses her, but from how I see it, she's the daughter of a generation of New York City artists who made careers for themselves by being very much unfiltered (and often in a manner that was very candid about the human body and sexuality). It seems like she's trying to take that art…
Also add;
Isn't that a double standard in itself, though? The fact that in the absence of affordable childcare, mothers are expected to take on that childcare themselves while fathers continue on their previous career trajectories? If men and women were equally burdened with childcare I'd say you have a point.
I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".
People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.
From my own experience with my social group, I think it is lack of available and affordable child care that is holding women's careers back, much more so than double standards.
Honey, if you're husband is showering 2-3 times a day, maybe he's pulling a Kevin Spacey in American Beauty.
Word. I once tried to explain to a colleague who has super fine and brittle hair (from bleaching and flat-ironing) that she does not need to shampoo her hair every day. You'd think I had just told her to start using her kitchen sink as a toilet. I'm quite certain she never even tried to take my advice.
I am a total dork and tried to answer all of these questions independently to see if I could fall in love with myself.
Is there free pizza? If you want college kids to join up with you you HAVE to offer free pizza
Says she also wants to ban the ability to use benefits at quick serve establishments- pretty sure that would include places that serve hot/prepared meals like delis at grocery stores? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Because WTF would that have to do with money (as prepared rotisserie chickens are usually cheaper than buying…
So our tax dollars go to subsidize McDonald's underpaid workers, and they can't even use that subsidy to buy the crappy food they make all day.
I wish I knew about the broccoli man! It was weird! We went grocery shopping and refused to buy it, going to *two* other grocery stores where it was ALSO $7. I don't know man, maybe no one in Port Orange eats broccoli? Whatever, its my ace in my back pocket when people start talking about poor people needing to eat…
In Canada, chicken breasts are $4.31 to $7.71, so $5.81/lb.
Yeah, it's a very educating experience to learn about advertising/PR/marketing while simultaneously logging serious hours in any retail establishment. Reading the letters from corporate and knowing exactly how they wouldn't play out amongst our customers was an extremely interesting comparison to what I was being…
I always want to shake our marketing team. Partly because I'm in marketing, so I see how these take place from both angles, but it's still really, really stupid because it results in more randoms walking through our door only to 180 when they realize that our prices aren't, in fact, 60% OFF $79.99.