In a stunning turn of events, Baby Boomer White Man makes it all about him.
In a stunning turn of events, Baby Boomer White Man makes it all about him.
but making him feel invisible and unwanted for his entire life might drive him over the edge.
I was just thinking that to myself. He isn't ugly at all. In fact, I thought he was very attractive (until he talked).
Much though it is really important to put this crime in the context of a dangerous and hateful men's rights movement, can we please put the "lol fedora" jokes on hold and show some respect toward the victims of this act of terrorism? He didn't just post a humorously stupid video. He murdered women because of their…
I can vouch that for an...ample bust, a good three part bra (where the cup has that kind of architecture-y look) can change your life. The lift and shape a well engineered bra gives can change your life- I feel sexier, my clothing fits better and I have no boob-related back pain. Sometimes I peek down my shirt in the…
I'd hit that. Fiance and I kind of want to invite him to our wedding here in DC, but on the off chance he actually showed up I might leave fiance at the altar.
Joe Biden has taken the spot of most beloved dirty old man politician in my heart. It used to be Bill Clinton because c'mon who doesn't wanna tell a "Bill Clinton honka honkaed my butt during a polite receiving line photo op" story. I don't know what it is about Biden, but I just think he's hilarious
You're making me blush!
I used to be part of a marriage/relationship forum and there was a wife there who let her husband sleep around. She said she couldn't satisfy his sexual needs and with 4 small children, didn't have the time nor energy. She thought this was a way to save her marriage. She seemed awfully blase about it all and said as…
*beams at you* Thank you so much!
It is far from the point of the story, but I try never to miss an opportunity to ask another femmette who is pleased with her results where she goes lingerie-shopping.
As a gal who works in marketing, I really hope that this was written by someone at Fetlife targeting women who have unappreciative boyfriends, because if it was, they nailed it. And now I know the name "Fetlife," and so do you. Brilliant!
All of my yes.
Or they are just completely gobsmacked that their ideal is not every man's ideal. Like it's breaking fucking news that some dudes prefer fat chicks.
Most guys who think they "settled" have no idea that they actually hit the jackpot for their attractiveness level until there is some sort of rude awakening.
I'm reading the books at the moment. They are awesome books.
Yup, they make me cry too. (hangs head in shame)