
Ha, yeah, my boyfriend always feels like it's a huge compliment when guys hit on him. One time he realized it hadn't happened in awhile, and decided he needed to up his game (fashion wise).

I read that as code for: "Overly emotional ladies are overly emotional."

Honestly, I know that the NY Post isn't being flattering here, but angry? Angry is good.

Adopting a black appearance right before applying to college would be optimal in that you'd get a boost from affirmative action, while your entire life previous, including your grades, would not have been shaped by the discrimination, class oppression, and academic stereotyping that is the reason for affirmative

Ah, but if the producers had just cast Aduba, their stars would have aligned (tm Halfway Content) when she became one of the most beloved characters on OITNB (and considering the amazing cast, that's really saying something). Sometimes it's smarter to cast the up-and-comer than the big name (not even to mention

For me, casting Saldana is worse than not doing the movie at all. There is a clear message here: Upholding the laws of colorism is more important than telling this woman's story with any accuracy. This woman was too dark and too African-looking in life for some people, and she is still too dark and too

In their defense, they needed a big name to carry the film - and good on them for doing a bipic on a strong (and iconoclastic) black female. Shame on them for choosing such a light-skinned, conventionally pretty actress, though. Part of Simon'e whole identity was that she was a genius, dark-skinned and husky-voiced...

I had to look her up because I hadn't heard of her and holy shit, she's Simone's doppelganger:

YESSSSSS! i am so glad that she inspired him to rework Claire instead of just nixing her and moving on to another actress. she is such an integral part of the show and i can't see myself being nearly as hooked if she weren't the complicated, calculating character that's been written.

THANK CHRIST they rewrote Claire Underwood. The series would NOT be what it is without her as a fully-actualized, deep character, and Robin Wright is a badass of the greatest kind. David Fincher should be embarrassed. Arm candy wives are bullshit and I'm glad he owned up to it.

I totally hear you - if I had to deal with a single one of the more obnoxious paparazzi that even low-grade celebs encounter regularly - I'd happily take the assault & battery charges, so long as I could watch their face as I slam their own camera into it.

I really covet Kate Middleton's wardrobe and her baby is adorable and her marriage seems genuinely happy, but I would not want this life. I know people are like, well she can cry herself to sleep with all her tiaras and £'s, but you could not pay me enough to deal with this shit.

This woman is responsible for one of my favorite quotes:

Good point! Why aren't we haranguing men who dare to postpone fatherhood until their 30s or beyond. ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ORPHANS, YOU SELFISH FUCKS? DON'T YOU WANT TO TEACH YOUR GRANDCHILDREN HOW TO FISH?

The 25% rate is based on super old data, actually. It's been around 40% (for women in the 35-40 age bracket, ~50% for younger and ~30% for older) for years now, and the rate is steadily increasing as techniques improve. Some (albeit more expensive) clinics have success rates as high as 70%. And as you say, that's

hoorah! To be clear, I'm not at all dismissive of other people's choices, and if my life had worked out differently, I could surely be a mother by now with no regrets. I didn't think that life or career ends, just changes. I do hope that I offer a counterpoint to baby obsessed Princeton Mom, not to reasonable people

Well now, I am a mother. Twice over. I spent my day much like yours. My husband brought me coffee in bed while I read the news on line. He and my older child were out most of the day, while me younger child had friends over. I did my nails, read, made muffins for the morning and threw in some laundry. Now I'm

Hmph. I am not a rich, high-powered executive and my job is the opposite of glamorous. The decision not to have children was pretty much made for me thanks to a number of health issues. That said, my life is really happy! It's almost as if there's more than one way to have a good life.

I'm sorry, but I'm Jezebel's favorite aunt, because I bring booze and sometimes even share it.

I would very much like to be a mother some day, but this year I spent the day lounging on my apartment devouring a good book, drinking iced coffee and thinking how much LESS relaxing today would be if I was already a mother. So yes Princeton mom, two months out from my 30th birthday, I'm spending the day doing