
This. A million times this!

And there are people who like astrology who aren't anti-vaxx, and anti-vaxxers who don't read horoscopes. In fact, lots of the anti-vaxx types are fundamentalist Christians who think astrology is Satanic.

No kids, but I work with them. These tips work on most kids, but I know it's different when it's your camp counselor/babysitter/nanny/sunday school teacher than parents, so see what works for you.

is it weird that I really want to read this despite not having kids and no plans to do so?

Gemini and Aquarii are a GREAT match.

I'll say this for astrology: it told me I should never date a Taurus. IT WAS VERY RIGHT.

Astrology is like my pet illogical issue. I really like it, and I have studied it a fair amount, but I try not to let it creep into my day to day life, because people.

ehhh, don't worry about it. I'm a scorpio, my mom looooved me and i was her favorite, not openly, like my siblings didn't know (i was first born, that may have played a part in the favorite thing). As a child i was pretty mellow, never wanted to get in trouble or be the center of attention, entertained myself.

As a fellow Scorpio, I'm too busy with my revenge plots to investigate zodiac signs further; but my former co-worker who was an astrologer bought me a drink when I told her that both my sisters were Aries.

Oooh, I like this. I'm a Libra. Please count me the ways in which I am an awful person.

My son is a Leo. So, instead of weaning, I just threw raw steaks at him.

I'd respond to this post, but as a Scorpio I'm too mysterious and sexy.

Ugh. Controlling fertility=gross

I'm the chart friend that does it to my friends. But another friend of mine hooked me to the secret language of relationships book and THATS been spooky for me.

Me too! I don't seem like a typical Pisces at all, save being creative and a tiny bit spacey—but once my friend added my rising signs and moon signs it was eerily accurate.

Maturity generally isn't an Aries characteristic. They're the first sign of the zodiac so they're basically spiritual newbies. That said, your kid sounds like a good egg.

Let's ALL be that sign!

Astrology isn't trying to get evolution out of school curricula.

So I never was that into astrology and felt that I didn't "match" my sign at all and my horoscopes were never even close. But I made a friend who was really astrology and she did one of the super-specific charts/horoscopes where it includes your birthday, time of birth, area you were born and everything for me and it

Which birth sign is the one that has the nanny take care of the kids while I get drunk and play video games all day? Cuz that's the sign I want to be.