
I really enjoyed this Slate piece on the treatment that both Kim Novak and Liza got at the Oscars. The part that got me was the use of the "she should grow old GRACEFULLY like so-and-so" regarding Novak, as I saw that a lot on my Facebook feed during the Oscars. When people say that, they are typically referring to

At the end of the day she is Kim motherfucking Novak. She worked with Hitchcock, no one in Hollywood or the press can touch her. She is a legend and a total fox and deserves to be treated as such.

I think she looks fantastic for her age. People need to stop concern trolling (or just outright insulting) womens' appearances.

And here I thought you'd want brown. Black it is.

I am a poop truther.

Duh, when you eat air you poop air. I fail to see the problem here.

Yep. I'm a GG- even a turtleneck would be revealing on me (not that I would ever wear one, big boobs and turtlenecks do NOT go together)

a plug for Busty Girl Comics, which is amazing...


That's an interesting perspective. Kids these days..;)

This is going to sound very English-teacher-y, but here goes:

Wow, the second time in one week soemebody from the Netherlands gets arrested for thinking they are free to do whatever on the internet. I'm living there right now, and I am surprised how internet-savvy even the youngest are. For the first time in my life I actually know people who write horrible comments on the

Hasn't your country suffered enough since we sent you Bieber?

Dear god don't extradite him here to Canada, he'd probably serve 15 years for what he did and he deserves so, so much more than that. Amanda deserves bette justice than that.

Unless your name is Francois Nars, nobody cares what some guy thinks about makeup, because most likely you know ZERO about it.

Ugh. I was such a trendsetter as a baby, child and young adult. #nomakeup #allnatural #justme

That was Jean Kilbourne! You NEED to watch her docu-series 'Killing us Softly' - she's my idol! I love her so much!

Warming up the butter is some NEXT LEVEL foreplay for carb lovers. Marry me!

The moment someone warmed by butter up for me, I'd agree to have as many of their babies as they wanted

Thank you for this article. You articulated this phenomenon perfectly. Sincerely, Puerto Rican woman with a big ass that was mocked my whole life by white people.