
Thanks for your good vibes <3
For some reason people who have bowel diseases sometimes get a type of severe arthritis, like ankylosing. I'm not super well-versed in anatomy but I think that a big part of your immune system is based in your intestinal tract. When that goes wrong, it causes your joints to swell.
I don't

Ugh, I'm so sorry. My dad has colitis, crohn's and ankylosing spondylitis. I wouldn't wish GI tract problems on my worst enemy.

Intentionally crying alone!
I did this when I was single and I try to do it when my SO isn't home. About once a month I queue up some tragedy porn and get the floods going. It sounds absolutely bananas, but you feel so sleepy, relaxed and cleansed afterwards. HIGHLY recommend.

Not single, but I still do this! Or make hors d'oeuvres for dinner, but only for myself :)

Ugh, THIS.
I feel like my history lessons as a kid totally glossed over so much of this. "Slavery happened — BUT THEY ESCAPED TO CANADA BECAUSE WE'RE THE PROMISED LAND"
What was void from these lessons was the fact that we didn't embrace escaped slaves with open arms: we merely tolerated them. I had no fucking clue

It's really prevalent in the prairies. It becomes more and more apparent with every year I live in Ontario.
I'm from a province that was the last place in the country to abolish residential schools. The effects of that are still felt. Indigenous peoples moved into the urban centres and battled poverty, discrimination,

Real talk: I was sent an offer for financial domination in my first week of using Plenty of Fish. I politely declined because I was 19 and in a new province. Also something about it seemed unsafe and a bit exploitive.

you are everything I hope I grow up to be.

I was ordering a drink at the bar when I noticed a cute guy sitting and waiting to order his drink as well. When I got my change back, I dropped change all over the counter and a penny rolled onto the ground (which he dove to pick up.) He asked if I wanted it back, super charming, and I just did one of those awkward,

I asked way too many questions too! I'm sure they were ready to take me behind the shed and drown me in holy water by the time I switched to public school

I had a weird obsession with the occult when I was in grade 5 / 6. So many seances were had!

I used to get so mad at those dumb kids in the pampers pull-ups commercials with their "I'm a big kid now" bullshit. I think I was like 5 or 6, which to me was DEFINITELY a big kid, so when I heard them singing I'd be like, "NO YOU AREN'T, YOU LYING BABY."

I posted once already, but I'm remembering all sorts of weird while reading through these:

1. I used to apologize / pray in my head every time I would hear another kid swear. Like, "Sorry God that Sam said a swear word. I'm sure he probably doesn't mean it, doesn't even really know what it means. But anyways, sorry on

That's so funny! Catholic school made me unintentionally initiate "the talk." They kept blah-blahing about the virgin Mary in scripture at school so I just straight up asked my dad what it meant when I was 7. My poor parents.

Were you an only child?
I was like this too, a little tiny adult. I was an "oopsy" baby and all my siblings were much older (closest age gap is 7 years.) I was crap at playdates and my parents found me at a wedding once having a philosophical debate about religion with my auntie and uncle when I was 11.

I was a total klepto.
I would go over to play with my friends or other kids and steal their toys. It wasn't that I didn't have a lot of toys, and it wasn't even about really wanting the toy. I think I just got a rush from taking it. It was always something small that could easily be hidden and forgotten by the kid:

Thanks for doing what you do. I always wondered really how much power the schools have in this situation. It feels wrong somehow to put it all on them when a lot of these problems seem to stem from the child bully's home situation.

100%. I always put on my midwestern manners / charm when dealing with service people. It's because of them that my hectic life is possible. I don't have time to make my own damn coffee, so if I'm going to pay someone to make me one, I'm going to be a delight to serve.

Maybe A&Ws in the state are different, but we never, ever served soda with ice in Canuckland.

I've seen some pretty ridiculous and overly-entitled riders, and this is definitely not one of them.