
"There's a protein synthesis called carbonylation where the skin becomes more opaque,"

I flipped out on a male friend of mine I used to advise on love matters over this. He's disastrously bad with the ladies because he's insecure and obsessive. He chased a girl we had classes with. She was:
- Straight out of a relationship
- Sending wink-face emotions to a few suitors
- Just needed a bit of attention
- Zero

I save this excuse EXCLUSIVELY for the task of replacing ink cartridges. I have wasted so many minutes watching people do this on YouTube and I still can't get it. I'll probably play dumb about it until I die or retire.

I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you do! Offices around North America (and the world) need more people like you :)

Ran into this CONSTANTLY when I worked in retail. The staff bathrooms had to be cleaned once a week and we operated on an honour system / volunteer to do it because it's nice. Not once did the guys ever, ever offer to do it or "take it for the team" in any other area.

It was a skate shop so there was a heavy emphasis

I feel like I'm starting to get better about this as I get older, but every day is seriously so different, and I have my moments. I've gotten to be super cool and accepting of what I'm working with under the layers, but clothing is sometimes a huge struggle.

Read this headline and definitely thought they provided a real-life recreation, with a Richard Gere look-alike. Dreams crushed.

I think timing is super important. Like if you've hit that time in your life where you've grown and evolved enough that you're a better version of yourself. Or you're willing to let a good person into your life, or you know what you deserve.
The amount of crappy exes who had their defining moment a year or two after

Sending all the love, support, hugs and good vibes your way. <3

How awful!
I was diagnosed with BDP nearly ten years ago. I don't use the services and accommodations afforded to me at my college, I do not disclose to employers, and I try to weather everything myself or with the support of my partner. This is not a healthy route to go, and I acknowledge that.
The stigma is too

One time I saw Snoop Dogg and his fam at Disneyland.

That's all I got.


I am now so, so, so curious about these people who have to do the texting!

She's pulling a Sam Jones!

Awwww. Mine was Sum 41, Autopilot Off, and Goldfinger. I was 11, and Goldfinger called up an audience member to eat a twinkie out of the drummer's ass. I was both nauseous and full of wonder.

I want to genuinely believe in a change of heart here, but my cynicism leads me to believe that the power of political favours inspired this new mindset.

I get weirdly delayed Facebook apologies from exes or past flings like once a year and literally five minutes before opening this wrote one to a former best friend I'd wronged in a big way.

I tried really hard to take ownership of what I've done, give an explanation and explain that I hoped this cleared up

I'm a bad Canadian. I'll rank McDonald's coffee above Tim Hortons ANYDAY. Now if you'll excuse me, I may need to take off for a few months so my own government doesn't charge me with treason for that statement.

This is why my very female tactic of getting friends to chat up the object of my affection / put some feelers out was used until I was 21.

Nope, true story!
This would have been in the late '80s / early '90s, I think.