
I’m a struggling drug addict trying to recover, been homeless and got out of jail in March. I have no job, car, home or clean friends. Things can really suck. I get that. I’ve been committed 4 times and have attempted suicide multiple times. I’m not saying this to compare or compete. Just to say a lot of us are

“funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”

1) Doesn’t the very fact that the interviewer had to repeatedly stress to Trump not to get into the specifics of his intelligence briefing make the entire point about Trump not being fit to be the President?

I think it’s supposed to be... it’s intended (in my opinion) to make the viewer think about the way celebrities’ bodies are consumed. Putting them in the vulnerable setting of being in bed sleeping forces us to confront them as actual people, rather than things to be consumed.

Season 2's depiction of depression was so accurate it was hard to watch.

“This push for women to go topless in the 21st century is as strong as women wanting to vote in the 20th century,”

Impossible, men can't poop in under a half an hour.

The joke is that he’s posting it like a threat, IF WE ONLY WE FIXED THIS PROBLEM, WE WOULDN’T HAVE THIS OTHER PROBLEM, but by naming what makes these losers so angry, he shows both how absolutely absurd they are, AND how absurd it is that THEY’RE the group being so excessively catered by mass media. These asshats are

I hope so, Amanda Bynes. Those tweets sound... coerced. Although, I have crippling Twitter shyness, so I also understand the stilted tone.

I hate agreeing with Lena Dunham.

Thank you dear! :-)

Congrats on your new bangs! I just cut my own bangs for the first time in like, ever, and I’m loving them. They’re pretty short and thick, with a serious pin-up car show chickadee Bettie Page vibe to them - I’m considering changing my name to Cherry.

I don't want to get excited about this because I don't want to be disappointed but GUIZE I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS!!!

KARA Welcome back :)))

So much stupid here, but... Do they really think they’ve made the first North Korean pop music video?

See my comment about PC police, you over sensitive piece of crap. You don’t even have the guts to type the word retard, you have to use “the R word.” How about you and your SJW friends go back to your corner and get triggered, or whatever it is you fucktards do.

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

Worst of all, named his kid “Boomer”

So many publicists are scrambling right now screaming Abort Abort. While Taylor is probably all:

Im curious if the whole I was referring to him calling me a bitch defense is gonna stick. Its a smart spin and probably her only possible one.