And he killed her family. A tad awkward.
And he killed her family. A tad awkward.
No, he lost his sword which is what sent him down this path, which was rectified last episode. He also showed he could overcome what he'd been doing wrong during his meditation moment, and Ashi had no influence on his healing himself. All she did was keep the army from killing him while he meditated.
So, the Scotsman, whose lineage through the clans of Scottish history, is affected by Aku's existence? There's no reason he wouldn't have been born. Or anyone else. People have preferences and families have lineages and arranged marriages and so forth, which could easily lead the same people to marry each other in…
I didn't think it would erase them, though. It would only affect those whom Aku created like his robots and such. Aku didn't cause the Scotsman to come into being. I figured if Jack went back and reset the timeline, all his friends would have happy loved in the future without Aku. Kind of like the ending to Back to…
So then he would choose Ashi over his duty to his family and preventing Aku from ruling the future? :( That would be awful. And a tad selfish on Jack's part.
Kind of sad they broke with the original formula of lone wolf Jack and minimal dialogue in favor of a romantic subplot which diverts from Jack's main mission. Not to mention precious screen time this took up which could've been devoted to Aku. Where is Aku?? He's too good a character to be put on a bus.
Same here. Gave up on comics. New Frontier really rekindled that spirit. Now….now I don't know…