I realize that you probably think you’re helping, but please stop helping.
I realize that you probably think you’re helping, but please stop helping.
I bet you have never suffered, you have a corrupted soul and I hope you never have kids because you only will be spreading your racist thoughts.
No you are wrong. Slave owners should not get sympathy. They kidnapped people from theor country, laid them on top of each other at the bottoms of ships and made them stay that way until they reached the other side of the Atlanric. Those people included children, women, pregnant women, and men. They raped whoever…
I’m pretty sure it was a slave revolt and people were being killed for, ya know, participating in/being complicit in slavery.
When you’re so fucking privileged that your race’s version of genocide is interracial marriage, immigration, and people voluntarily not having a lot of kids.
He probably deleted it because he was getting death threats.
His face looks a little slimmer now, but that could be because his missing teeth aren’t filling his cheeks out anymore or because he has lost some weight from not eating (if he hasn’t been eating after his surgery).
You don’t have to feel like a victim to know that something is rape. By every definition—legal, therapeutic, feminist—what was described is rape. It doesn’t have to change how you feel about him or it or you but it was rape. Freezing is normal, freezing is non-consent, lack of consent is rape, taking off your clothes…
Speaking of this general topic, have you seen Making A Murderer yet? As I’m convinced that guy is innocent, and kind of pissed that it’s Durst’s guilt that caused an entire nation to rise up in anger at his lack of conviction rather than everyone suddenly get pissed off that a police department conspired to put two…
Fuck that. This is dark, but I’ve actually given it some thought and plan to specifically instruct my child to drop to the floor, lie still, and play dead. If there’s a body on the floor near you, get under it. That seems to be how multiple people I’ve read accounts from survived mass shootings.
Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women?
You win for Best Comeback.
“If you’d just BRUSH your hair more often it would look good!”
I feel like I have to tell everyone: the best parent is not a working parent, or a stay at home parent, it’s a HAPPY parent. Your kid doesn’t want to be around you if you’re miserable, and if you have a choice between staying home and going back to work, do what will make you happy. There are many benefits to kids…
But they could afford it. Her job just didn’t give her enough leave.
I too enjoy pricing human beings out of bodily functions.
I guess I’ll keep pointing this out every time this bullshit comes up:
I was just coming to make this exact comment... I don’t watch the show so I can’t comment on who she is talking about but don’t get the snark over a babyccino... also a lot of places here don’t charge for them..
We have had them in Australia for 15 years at least.
De Gaulle says to you “non I am ze worst airport on ze planet merci beaucoup “