That kid is awesome. He's a much better interview than Zombie Jonathan.
This kid needs his own news segment
I love tiny old people. He's like a 70 year old man in a six year old's body.
Does this guy realize the answer to muffin top is buying pants the right size, not getting plastic surgery?
My mom gave my daughter a porcelain doll when she was probably 8. She hated the creepy thing...they eyes followed you everywhere. She wanted to get rid of it, but resisted, because it was from my mom for years. In her early teens she finally threw it away.
im a gay, with an average body. I use it for sports and mobility, i even go to the gym. I have no want to spent hours a day there to look like some gym bunny. I am not a bear, an otter, a twink or really any body type that the gays can name. If its hot, I take my shirt off, I wear ridiculously short shorts (i play…
I've won two raffles in my life. One was an ipod in high school. The crowd wouldn't let me through to the front of the stage so they called the next winner. The winner sat behind me in class admiring his new ipod. Which he already had one of. The second raffle was to get dropped out of a class because it was too full.…
I can agree with this. I've never had anything really bad happen to me, but I seem to have lots of little things pop up. Although last Friday, I did have some coffee which I spilled on myself in the car. So at the next light, I start wiping it off my shirt & miss the light changing green. I'm about to go when suddenly…
I have two stories, the first is my sister's.
We had a less than 3% chance of concieving on our own. After our first son was born with help, we knew we could only afford to try once or twice more. Amazingly, I got pregnant on my own. Miraculously, it happened again. However I had a partial abruption at 24 weeks. This happens in 1 % of pregnancies. Amazingly, it…
I was in New York City for a week with my best friend, who was going to a film camp at NYU. I was already pretty lucky, in that her mom paid for me to go, including train fare there, and a week at the Times Square Hilton. Life was beautiful. I rode the subway somewhere different every day, and walked around, and…
I consider myself a somewhat lucky person, but my 19th birthday was, seriously, the luckiest day of my life.
A friend had broken up with her boyfriend and was totally convinced she was going to meet The One at some lame party happening at a lame club in one of the lame casinos on the edge of town. She wanted me to go as her wingman, and since I was trying to be a supportive friend, I ditched my husband to go with her.
My best friend says I was born under a bad star. But once I won a CD from a Surge bottle cap.
I've got a good one.
Just popping in to say never. I have the worst luck. It's the standing joke with all my friends that they keep me around to attract all the bad luck like one of those dye magnets you throw in the wash.
I had a roommate wake me up angry, storming in my room, because I "threw up on his bed" in the middle of the night. As he was screaming he had no idea that he had vomit all over his face. I just said "Look in the mirror, idiot" and went back to sleep.
You know how you can't properly diagnose someone as a psychopath before their 18? And how rare a condition it is in females? So I can't say for sure that Sarah really was a psychopath, but I can confirm that she appeared to tick all the boxes.