
Ah, I see. Out of curiosity, do you know if it weren't given the theatrical run, would it then be eligible for an Emmy or just left in the awards limbo abyss?

So is this eligible for Oscars or would it be an Emmy for TV Movie? It seems that we're moving towards a pretty small distinction between a movie thats released on online on Netflix vs. on tv on HBO

yeah, this episode seemed a lot looser that normal, like they everyone was breaking more often and just going along with it. I liked it

Hopefully. If anyone can put an end to the most annoying cuteness elements of Matt Smith's tenure, its Capaldi.

I really liked Miles and was very happy he was one of the few characters we don't have to see die

Yeah for currently airing shows its basically like on demand with the commercials. For older shows though, its usually only like 30 sec commercial breaks. I noticed that the older TV library on hulu has actually gotten pretty good, especially with regard to British shows and more classic american shows. They DO

I don't know if this is true for all movies, but I watched a movie the other week on Hulu and there was actually only like 1 short commercial break midway through

Its odd to have the 2 shows air literally right after one another (they're different newtorks, but still). It really highlights how similar the two shows are, even more so than the original TWD

That last line was fantastic. I tend to think that Key is a better straight man, but then also the Outkast sketch was great was Peele playing straight. Its pretty great that they never just play the same functions in every sketch but switch it up a lot

Its interesting you point out Winona Ryder's performance as unintentional meta, it made me want to consider for a moment the casting there was maybe a little intentional.

I forgot about him. I used to like him a lot, especially his "If I" special

This has been referenced a lot, but do you know exactly what is causing this "backlash towards Pizzicato"? Is this just because he comes across a little pompous in interviews, or doesn't give enough interviews or something? Im curious, because last year everyone seemed to love him and then this season everyone seemed

I doubt it. There will be people complaining about TD until the end of time

Twitter has definitely not been doing favors for well thought out and articulated art/pop-culture critique.

The critics do seem to be experiencing a lot of scedadenfreude from criticizing this season

Here are my picks:

Dimitri Martin was also missing

I remember when he appeared on screen for the first time like 3/4ths of the way through the movie, and he was just on screen for a split second as Jessica Chastain rushed through the hospital. I remember thinking at that moment that was his only part in the movie and Topher Grace was now accepting roles as an extra

I didn't even know he released it, but looking at the differences in the Wikipedia entry, I think I might have read the re-release. It still felt very different in tone from the rest of the books. Much slower paced, and Roland was never named I don't think

But then they won't get a chance to cast Aaron Sorkin as Stephen King