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Say hello to gorgeous Arica, Chile, the driest city on Earth. Arica gets an average of less than one inch of rain per year, which means you could probably luck into 365 straight days with no rain of any sort. You can truly say your life is pretty plain there.

According to Leslie Horn’s own Twitter account, this is what an adult should dress like:

Nice work! I feel some Zero Punctuation influence, which works well for car reviews!

Oberon is a regionally-known, established, solid beer - especially from draft - best enjoyed while sitting on an outdoor patio, or a lakeside dock.

I think the primary thing that I learn from the weekly Funbags is that Drew Magary’s taste in music is worse than his taste in television clothing.

Maybe not in your area, Will, but Avery makes delicious stouts (Out of Bounds, Out of Sight), as does Great Divide (Yeti, et al.) - both from of Colorado.

I chuckled.

I chuckled.

From Sunday, 03/15. Hah!

It is! The jets scream up and down the Chicago lakefront, in formation, while you watch from a lakefront park (or rooftop deck, like Saturn, above). Blue Angels overhead on a summer day by the lake shore is a sight to behold. Throw in a few friends and a couple brews, and it's the best show in town.

Drew, it sounds like he's screaming, "Be anointed of the Holy Ghost," at the end of the video.

I'm with you, Will, on the "Black IPA" term being more of a marketing thing. As you found with this beer, I'm in favor of the breweries using roasty flavors with other styles because it's delicious beer, rather than a novelty for hopheads.

"Pepper" was the correct answer. He whiffed that softball.

Chicago restaurants, on the whole, are pretty excellent for people with food allergies (myself included). I, too, have a hard time finding restaurants that will take allergies seriously enough in smaller towns (as a comparative generality). I usually just end up ordering a couple beers, being overly polite, and

Hehe, Simpsons. I like it!

Goldbaren are amazing, and are infinitely superior to the artificial rubber posing as gummy bears in the U.S.

I discussed this match with a friend in Madrid, who is a Real supporter. He's more worried about this loss to Atletico than the loss about a month ago - but I think that was Copa del Rey.

I know this nonsense happens in other sports (and outside of sports, as well), but between the NFL's off-the-field bullshit and a "meh" season, I find myself barely watching football at all. Watching an NFL broadcast is increasingly annoying (annoyance goes down if game is on mute).