No I spent all my money on forza DLC
No I spent all my money on forza DLC
Ah, so then it’s a bib!
Here’s a trick to increase your chances of survival:
The newspaper accounts prove (a) that Fred Trump was at a Klan rally and (b) wearing Klan attire.
When Chris Christie was spotted hiding in the corner of the room, an aide started toward him to remove him, until Trump said, ‘No. Do not alert him of my presence. I shall deal with him myself.’
Really? A guy born in New Jersey that grew up in Alaska, flies into Florida by way of Canada, and you’re upset with the entire state of Florida. Go fuck right off.
This abhorrent White behavior is a byproduct of their culture. Just listen to their Country Music; it’s all about drinking, shooting guns and driving drunk. The good ones won’t speak out about this behavior because they’re afraid to be called “fake white,” or White in Name Only (wino).
Well, hey - I’m not a bigot or nothin’, but I’ve worked with the Whites all my life, an’ lemme tell you, they’re just LOOKING for another handout! I mean, the Whites practically expect a obscenely colossal tax cut, followed immediately by another wave of financial deregulation!
Most music is an amplification of things that aren’t healthy. Country music - alcoholism. Pop music - overall sluttyness. Metal - well, it’s fucking metal. I mean, it’s a bit unfair to single out a culture’s music when no one is immune from it. I listen to rap and rock fairly exclusively yet I’m not out raping and…
I just...
The reason that The Whites can’t get ahead is all the White on White crime. They cannot be contained. They need to go to prison if all they do is kill each other. I know I don’t feel safe when I’m in a White neighborhood.
Eh, he’s got a point.
Him in the 1960's: “Yeah, I mean it made sense when they were mad 50 years ago, but now that we’re letting them play baseball and everything? They’re just falling for race hustlers like Martin Luther King.”
My friend works at a hedge fund with a lot of whites and he says that for every good white who just wants to work hard, there’s three that are doing just enough to pay their second wife’s child support and buy cocaine. IMO it’s a cultural thing with them, they see these movies like Wolf of Wall Street and think that’s…
I love how he says bigotry in the 1960's was especially prevalent in the so called liberal states of the NE United States.
But why don’t the good whites denounce the crimes committed by the bad ones? I don’t think I’ll be able to trust any whites until the decent ones stand up to the bad ones and start tackling the problems in their own communities.
I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.
Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture
@Moses Hightower: I suppose not.
@LaComtesse: But this doesn't even have to be cynicism. Many people who advocate for alternative medicine have convinced themselves that doctors don't care about their patients. Hold them in active disdain, even. In their minds, doctors are greedy butchers and whores who poison our children and carve up our bodies…