Mmel Mercidieu

She maybe black but she is still wrong about perming hair every week. They're right she would be bald if she did that.

Why do they keep having Fitz haters review this show? Is it only Olake people who watch this show now? No wonder the ratings are c#ap.

Cheyenne and Art, I have always enjoyed your commentaries on this show and know that you guys have been fierce defenders of it. It makes me sad that like me you guys no longer watch, but this show is no longer for us. Ms Rhimes is looking for a different demographic, one who cares more about what happens to Mellie

Thank you, she shouldn't even be a senator.

Yes, I wish the writers would realize that.

What did Mellie do that made her compelling? give me a break!

I thought Olivia thought that Maya was executed, how did she know where to find her or that she's alive?

Every time you think this show is back, you get an episode like this which makes you shake your head and think this show will never be good again.

For the first time I felt Mellie was unnecessary, I haven't felt like that in a long time. Oddly, that made the episode more enjoyable. They really should focus on Olivia more on this show because she is fascinating.

I try not to read the reviews they are beyond biased.

I say HOT.

What was menacing about it? You may hate Fitz but that was HOT, HOT and HOT.

I think "Fitz is the worst" is getting old , you may need new materials.

Jake has always been useless, the only way to make him viable is to make everyone else stupid and in turn bring down the quality of the show. Before Jake it may not have been the best but this show was solid but ever since he has come on it has turned into a version of Twilight that is laughable.

I am sorry you sound like a teenage girl, I have moved beyond that triangle. In your mind it is a great love story , to me and these are not my words but those of Emily Nossbaum "Scandal is a Noel-centric Felicity fanfiction", I don't know about you but I never watched nor did I ever want to watch Felicity at my age.

He didn't grow into a love interest, his character was created as a foil for Fitz and Olivia. Until two episodes ago he was a fu##& buddy ,now because the plot needs it, she is in love with him. We watch the show we know what's going on, I need you to actually examine the plot not rehash it. I want you to think,

To Max & Paige, it is a comedy apparently.

Thank you.

I know the whole story, I watched the episodes. I meant what is his purpose? He has no job, no family, unless he becomes part of OPA or becomes command again what does he do? If he becomes part of OPA Olivia would have to choose between the president of the United Stated and her subordinate. If he becomes command, we

I think he is writing for the other show, not starring so yeah we are stuck with him until the end. Sigh