Hey she’s also a human who had her privacy violated in a massive way, so maybe this isn’t the place for your personal critiques of her job performance.
Hey she’s also a human who had her privacy violated in a massive way, so maybe this isn’t the place for your personal critiques of her job performance.
I’m sure this wasn’t OP’s intention, but this is the type of internalized misogyny that allows people to believe that sluts can’t be raped and such.
If it takes me longer than 15 minutes, it’s because I’m getting ready to go out and I’m taking frequent wine-sipping breaks.
Ooooooof this is so true and made me weep a bit.
“Don’t put salsa on it hahahaha I have no business in healthcare.”
This is so obviously fake and a joke, I’m embarrassed for everyone.
He advocated for her genitals to be mutilated. To her coworkers.
I get actively angry reading these recaps. They are so off.
I got a promotional free month and still haven’t used it. Signed up and the first three meals they were going to send me? Meatball sandwiches, a pasta dish that was basically tuna helper, and enchiladas. I cancelled that week and haven’t tried it again. That shit is all so basic. And I’m not feeding my family meatball…
I read about this a few days ago and I’m not sure what to think. She’s been their brand ambassador while being an out lesbian for years. It doesn’t make sense that they would suddenly up and fire her over this.
Isn’t he a 9/11 conspiracy theorist?
Hahahahaha what an inspired comment. Keep churning out the hits.
I wasn’t going to say anything, but you’re being rude to people who are politely taking issue with your spammy comment; Even without the accidental multiple posts, this was still an overly long and unnecessary comment. Basically writing your own recap but with gifs? Is this tumblr 5 years ago? Please don’t.
I’m definitely ending my next exit interview with, “thanks for the mercy. I killed your son. BUH-BYEEEEEEEE.”
They’re named after cartoon cats FFS
That many drunk teens is my nightmare
REAL feminists ARE lentil soup. Educate yourself.
Me watching this: pleasenoteethpleasenoteethpleasenoteeth
That’s why I spend all day, every day in my basement apartment knitting cat sweaters out of old, dried tampon fibers while gently weeping and watching the opening sequence to Mary Tyler Moore on repeat. Because I’m a real feminist.