
Male escorts. Paid by the taxpayer. I would bet my house.

I hope all The Cosby show actors who stood by him are finally getting it that he is a vile sexual predator and now convicted rapist and prisoner. Also, it’s poetic justice that Geoffrey Owens is getting SO MUCH WORK now because he seems like a great guy.

I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:

I bet not.  I bet he was planning either a continuance of or a new life as a serial killer.

A car that isn’t in a crash costs nothing to repair.

They certainly don’t clean themselves

“I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart...

This is going to get to him bigly.  She could have written that his presidency is the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11.  She could have written that his wife is hideous looking and braindead.  She could have written that he is a grade-A asshole and dumber than a nutless squirrel.  She could have called his

About 6 weeks ago, I had to have back surgery because I had a lumbar herniation and I couldn’t walk without a cane and I was in constant pain. It turns out the herniation was so massive that they had to remove over half of the disc. I fought with medical personnel for 8 months over this because I was told “It’s just

Hi! I’ve never posted on SNS before but it’s the wee hours (in Scotland) and I am sitting on a rollaway bed in hospital watching my 2 year old daughter sleep. Every time her blood oxygen level goes below a certain level a machine beeps like hell and wakes her up so I keep having to push her oxygen mask closer. But of

The older I get, the more the term hysterical provokes a cold, decidedly unhysterical, fury.

There is a difference between being an American and a ‘murrican. ‘Murricans hold red state values of fighting gun violence with thoughts and prayers; holding every human life as precious until it’s born, and then understanding that the value of the life depreciates dramatically, especially for girls; letting God’s

The Senate demands a quorum of 51 to hold a valid vote. Since McCain is busy dying instead of attending, the Republicans have 50. If the Democrats refuse to attend en masse, no vote…

I'm amazed that Trump deported a Nazi without offering him a Cabinet position first, or a job as his Chief of Staff.

Gotta say, my dude, this is not your best work. You couldn’t even come up with a nickname or a deprecating adjective? Weak.

About 5 minutes into this post, I felt the overwhelming need to sleep.  

Hey, you deserve to be happy. Remember that depression lies to you. Supportive Internet strangers, however, are a reliable source.

Things are still shitty at my job. I’m in full-on career hunt mode at this point. My bosses make me feel so awful everyday. They make me feel worthless. I think they are going to hire someone else and fire me because they have started to have meetings without me. I don’t care about being fired at this point. I just

Uh-huh. Yuk it up now. Perhaps you’ve forgotten “War Of The Worlds”. Or “Independance Day”? Thought so. Learn some history!

Ughhh I just need to vent for a sec. I’m just so stressed out! Got promoted at work (so at least I’m getting a significantly higher salary) but I’m not sure the stress is worth it. The two people above me have left and been replaced with an arrogant fool who actually knows NOTHING, but that doesn’t stop him from