
I'm with a few others, honestly surprised Future Islands - The Far Field was overlooked. But honestly, that list could have listed the Slowdive album 20 times and I would have been happy with it. I have yet to meet anyone who hasn't fallen in love with that album.
Now, the release that deserves a lot more praise then

Sad to see The Life Aquatic (if not for anything else, Willem Defoe steals every damn scene he's in) and Goon missing. I personally have a soft spot for Role Models, but I could see why that would get overlooked. I'm just happy to see so much Edgar Wright love (and even The World's End, which I loved, but didn't seem

It makes her head looks so tiny.

Lady Olenna is still alive, so technically House Tyrell still exists. Also, you're not taking into account cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. There seems to be a whole slew of Lannisters that have never been introduced on the show, it wouldn't surprise me that the same can be said about the other houses.

Yara has way more game then Theon ever did.

I was going to give up hope as well, but then in the preview they conveniently have the Frey and Lannister armies partying it up in the hall that housed the Red Wedding. If they were going to have a Lady Stoneheart appearance that would be the logical place to have it.

I'm pretty sure the guy Tormund was fighting was the younger Umber.

Davos has a way with the very young ladies! Maybe Lyanna will continue his reading lessons.

It's been awhile,but I thought they had a quick shot of the original Lady Mormont at one of Robb's tactical meetings on the battlefield. There was one woman among all the other heads of houses. She was never named, but I assumed it was Mormont, since house Mormont had been fighting for Robb. I can't remember any other

Oh Lady Stoneheart Thruther Corner…how I've missed you.

Tormund's sex eyes while eating chicken, practically swooning over Brienne…it's almost sweet. I really hope those crazy kids end up together.

I will forever have the commercials for Action Park and Wild West City seared into my brain.

The long defunct zine Murder Can Be Fun dedicated an entire issue to Disney deaths. It was always interesting to me how many of the major injuries and deaths at the Disney parks didn't involve rides.

I completely missed that news! It's about damn time.

Since Lady Stoneheart seems more and more unlikely, I'm assuming the introduction of the Brotherhood Without Banners was only to show resurrection is possible? If they don't tie it into Jon Snow's resurrection I'm at a loss as to why they were introduced at all.

Blackfish is tending bar.

When they explained that the capsized boat was taken out with a machine gun it never occurred to me it could be the military taking out boats. I just assumed it was pirates who got their hands on some kind of military vessel.
Also, just once do I want a beer drinking scene set during the apocalypse to feature beer

I read somewhere that they changed Travis' background after Cliff Curtis was cast. The character wasn't originally of Maori descent.

Laurel is declared dead. Then there's a quick shot of the time on a clock that seems to be coming from Laurel's perspective, implying that she's looking at said clock, but is a wee bit blurry eyed and losing consciousness, most likely from a knockout drug. Why show the clock with the hazy perspective of someone being

Yesterday Encore was showing two episodes, not sure where they were in the season.