Matthew McHale

You would not believe the timing on this post. I just finished Sleeping Dogs yesterday, after returning to the game about a year after I first started playing it. After listening to the soundtrack online I discovered some songs that were not in the game which led me to find out that Sleeping Dogs was originally

You would not believe the timing on this post. I just finished Sleeping Dogs yesterday, after returning to the game about a year after I first started playing it. After listening to the soundtrack online I discovered some songs that were not in the game which led me to find out that Sleeping Dogs was originally

Did you mean to italicize the word lately (first sentence)?

Should I or should I not play Suikoden II?

Why would we want another shitty game like Chrono Trigger. That game can’t even run at 60 FPS on a 4K moniter.

I just say this movie for the first time yesterday, I would love to see a ride that follows the movie.

I’ve been reading Kotaku for about a year now and I have never heard of Suikoden II or Trails in the Sky

I am hoping for the announcement of a special edition Persona 5 PS4 bundle to finally breach my way back into the world of console gaming.

I just finished reading the essay she wrote, I found her it to be impressively informative and her argument is very solid, backing up and explaining all her statements.

This reminds me of one of my least favorite games, Suidoken II. SII has soulless characters, a meh story, and an insultingly bad combat system. All this ties together to create one of the worst JRPGs ever made.