
It sounds like he wasn’t really apologizing to the consumers who use their product, but rather to the financial people who see this as a negative.

Let’s be honest, any story in this kind of setting would be a depressing killing fest. Only those in fortified bunkers with plenty of water and food stored for the long term could avoid the majority of violence such a setting would naturally entail. But even fortified bunkers can be broken in time, if your enemies are

I don’t play Destiny, though my sons do. Though I think it is safe to say that Destiny is not Fortnite. Which I think should be a good comment.

One of my biggest problems with the Outer Worlds on the PS4, is finding the dead bodies in the grass.    Spend about 10 minutes walking back and forth on a patch of grass to find the killed NPC’s so they can be looted.  In one particular instance, I still couldn’t find the NPC.

Voice Chat with strangers is always horrible (even text chat with strangers can be to, though not as bad). But that still doesn’t mean texting is a viable alternative. Trying to text while playing the game is just as dangerous (in game) as texting while driving (real life).

It’s not a dead game, just an old one now. The game is quite good and the maps are fantastic. But any old game is going to have tons of veterans. Even Unreal Tournament way back in the past had the same problem. Yeah, PUBG is no longer new and shining, and there are more and newer battle royale games out there to

I love PUBG, but I am just a casual player. Don’t like Fortnite.

While the cops shouldn’t be fired, they should receive some form of corrective punishment, and publicly apologize in person to the lady they manhandled and bloodied. While she may sue anyway for punitive damages, the police department should pay all her medical bills, and lost wages post haste, without needed to be

What has to change is that if you buy a movie on Amazon, it is yours. Especially if you download it to your device (laptop, PC, tablet, Kindle, and etc). I can understand stuff in the Cloud, but if it is on your device, it is yours. Otherwise you are not buying, but renting or leasing,

Been playing the multiplayer CIV6 ‘Red Death’ battle royal, and the regular CIV6 game.

Sure, and that is going to be the problem.  People who don’t believe in social distancing.  Have the problem already.  Groups of people who walk close together and don’t care about other people in their way.  Everyone has to avoid them.  Those people will have no problem with going to restaurants, and talking up a

This very publicity, will probably be what kills this gas station.  There is no way this is licensed.  Not that I care, I think it is great.  Hell, I would love a Gallforce themed gas station, sure others would love an Neon Genesis Evangelion gas station.  So get your pictures now, for this unique gas station, is on

Some have said just delay the game, like it is just nothing to do. But aren’t there other factors outside of Naughty Dog’s processes. Outside of the actual game development, don’t they deal with other companies for the actual physical product. One would think that the schedules and timelines are there for contractural

Been playing Stellaris for a bit, but the War in Heaven event is dragging a bit, so going to spend the weekend playing Battletech.

That would be ideal.  But as mentioned in the article, this wasn’t a mainstream idol group.  So I guess they needed to make a lot more noise, than the popular idol groups.

Its already been done.  But if they did it for Gears of War, it wouldn’t be a Gears of War game.  You have to leave the realms of reality to do it.

People talking about permits for photo and film shoots on the beach.

Kinda wished they talked about what would actually happen to the human race, when we lose 4.5 billion people at a snap of the finger. Would our societies fall apart? Could we maintain current level of power generation, technological infrastructure, and institutions?

The show’s catch phrase was “Winter is Coming”.

According to the article, the man ejected through the canopy.  Which would mean that the canopy did not release and fly away.  Perhaps he suffered his injuries from crashing through the canopy.  That happening seems to make it more of a malfunction, than something the man did.