
You ignored the whole argument. It is not about price. It is about owning the game. Being able to play it when you want, even if that means 10 years from now. Basically, they want you to rent the game. And when the game no longer makes its profit point for the company, it will be removed from their servers and you

Can’t wait too.

Skyrim had only a single continent to worry about. They had no problem making it as seamless as possible. The most unrealistic thing about it, is that you could walk across the entire land in a day.

Don’t think they can fix the live chat issue, other than banning live chat.  Even the peers for children 13 or below, can be as foul mouthed and cruel as adults.

This is what needs to happen to Ragnorak (Valhalla in Europe) roguelike game. You could do almost anything in this game. Destroy a dungeon with a Wand of Annihilation. Grow more eyes and fingers.  Become the monster.  Write scrolls of magic.  Cast Extinction.  Got my fingers crossed, but I will probably die of old

Yeah, I wouldn’t want D&D to change to metric. Cause I am old. Don’t see why Wizard’s of the Coast couldn’t make a english metric version for those outside the United States.

He was just stating what his manager was saying. If you are not lock step on the People’s Republic of China’s official line, then you will not be playing in China. So if he wants to play in China, he can’t say Taiwan or Hong Kong.

Even that old Ragnarok game (the rogue like one, not the MMO) let you save, when you exited the game.  Not letting you save, to exit the game is not a feature of rogue like games.  It is a horrible design decision.

You are right, it is more dangerous to Disney, to lose that family friendly reputation, than it is to lose some rich whales.

Well, maybe not the biggest, but probably the most mysterious.  What ever happened with Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory.  It was released December 2019, but disappeared in January 2020.  Radio silence ever since then.

At first, I was wondering if I was still on Kotaku.  But I guess you are right.  The comments themselves make you want to fade away into the shadows.

Well, if we want our games and movies to look like the European Union’s cigarette packaging, I guess that would be okay. But sure wouldn’t look nice on the shelf.

Because if in 3 years elder scrolls 6 comes out and its xbox/pc exclusive”

I understand the problem, but in all this criticism, no one has been brave enough to give examples of politically correct representations.

Liked the graphic novel and the movie. Surprised it never got released on PC.

X-Com Unknown was great on mobile, it felt like you were playing the PC game, except with a touch screen.

Amazon simply failed to make a game that would catch on with players. Hopefully their closed beta will make the corrections that are needed to revamp the game.

It sounds like he wasn’t really apologizing to the consumers who use their product, but rather to the financial people who see this as a negative.

Let’s be honest, any story in this kind of setting would be a depressing killing fest. Only those in fortified bunkers with plenty of water and food stored for the long term could avoid the majority of violence such a setting would naturally entail. But even fortified bunkers can be broken in time, if your enemies are

I don’t play Destiny, though my sons do. Though I think it is safe to say that Destiny is not Fortnite. Which I think should be a good comment.