
For years we have heard that the PC is dying, now it is Steam’s turn for that ‘refrain’ to be heard. The PC is still here and not going anywhere, and so will Steam too. As many have said previously here, the things listed as problems, are not really considered problems by the PC community. At least not ones such that

How do you run out of canvas?  Perhaps it was impregnated with radioactive particles (for the real Fallout experience), but they ran afoul of regulations.

This is a real concern for the arcade market in Japan. Japan isn’t really in the digital age. Many restaurants still only take cash; one KFC I went to in Sasebo only took cash. DVD is still king. Many hotels use paper for hotel transactions, instead of using a computer. Imagine if you had to use a quarter and a dime

Curious, since you are a lawyer and all. Political satire is acceptable under the First Amendment. But this seems more than that. Even though they have aged the Justices down, can the developers really get away with using them this way and in a dating sim without their expressed permission. Also can they do this to

Those stickers are a health hazard. In the pictures they are put on top of the can, where it opens. Where you put you mouth at when drinking. Wonder just what kind of sticker it is, you know, is it super sticky where you need steel wool to clear it off, or does it come off easily.

White privilege and woman hater are both valid considerations for describing this judges decisions. Another one equally valid is that he is just one of those whack a doodle judges who think criminals have more rights than their victims. When you watch enough real life crime shows you see the average time violent

Not necessarily, it could have been the customer (bldg management), the guard company management, or even one of his fellow guards.

Who knows what actually happened, the store’s video does though. Some police lie, some people lie. When the store releases the video, we all will know the truth.

Those of us who are married or are in relationships, know this is a smart move on his part. Who wants to submit their significant other to a tidal wave of pictures, twitter (enquiring minds want to know), and memes that presuppose he is flirting or cheating. on her. Not to mention her friends and his friends also

We live in a extremely polarized world, with the scales pushed to the far right and far left. Everyone in the middle is shouted down and threatened with social sanction.

I agree.  I haven’t had any problems either playing PUBG.  Not saying others are wrong, but clearly PUBG is not a mess as many are trying to imply.

The real meltdown will be on ANN.

Unless he knew how the event was going to proceed, he wouldn’t know exactly when it would end. The longer he waited, the more of a chance he would be caught.

While Fortnite and PUBG are both Battle Royale games, they are still different games with appeals to different player bases.

The game is very playable. Nor is it a den of cheaters. I have gotten into the top ten several times, and have actual kills, which in my eyes is a miracle.  For a game that, until recently, only had two maps, it keeps me coming back.

Do we really want someone telling us what we can play or not to play. We seem to live in a nation of extremes today. A nation where the baby is thrown out with the bath water, most often. If you want family friendly stuff go to Apple. I am willing to dig though the trash to find the gems on Steam, rather than have all

Not really, having to count that many coins would have tied up that register, meaning that the lines for the other registers would have gotten longer. He did the right thing in getting the cash office to count the coins. Yes, coins are legal tender, but that doesn’t mean you can tie up the line. That is what customer

When you cross State lines to buy fireworks or cigarettes, and then bring them back with you, it is you that have committed the crime, not the company that manufactured said items.

Unionization brings about change, both good and bad. Those voting for unionization need to be willing (and notified) of all aspects that this change can bring. What is going to happen to workers that don’t want to be a part of the Union? Are you going to fire them, force them to quit, or garnish their wages for union

Who cares what she does. She is her own person. This new age puritanism of the left and the right today is strange. It’s like we are going backwards in time. Let the witch hunts begin again.