
It takes maturity and self-reflection to realize you’re the smartest in the’s another story of courage to find the next room! Find a mentor and pay attention...either with ping pong, class, or a business project. There’s always something to learn as long as you’re looking to challenge yourself.

Thank you, GuyRadDudeMan. I truly appreciate your thorough and insightful responses.

I follow HBR pretty closely (subscribed) and I do agree with that trend. There is certainly going to be a gap technical and leadership knowledge within most industry in the coming years. I’ve taken this to heart and am starting to gear up for business school applications next year.

Great point. Once trust is lost, the subordinates transition to the ‘I have to’, instead of the ‘I get to’ mentality towards work. It’s a tad cliche, but you get more value from employees when they are invested in their work and their leaders goals.

My initial reaction to this survey is how the CFO’s see themselves, or saw themselves, as they were ‘climbing the ladder’. There’s a certain level of bias when look at yourself with rose colored glasses.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I wish I gave this game more of a shot. It was truly my first experience with an RPG. I was completely overwhelmed and had no idea what to do. Sounds like I missed out!

As a fellow ‘sad dolphins fan’ I can agree. Although, watching Sunday’s game, I pretended that Tannehill’s inner monologue was on par with the recent Biden post-election memes. Gase being Obama, of course, and Trump being whoever the Dolphins SHOULD reach for in the draft. I stress should because Tannehill will do

I’ve since come out to my in-laws regarding this story.

Was it Murray or Hanks? I’m still not too sure.

Thanks for responding. My cousin told me a similar story and also passed away under similar circumstances.

I hate to be the one to ask this on a relatively anonymous forum but, was this newbie, Matt, from the central Florida/Daytona area?

On my last day of 5th grade, my mom was picking me up from school. She drove a Green Grand Caravan. Coincidentally, half the school’s parents did too. This being an elementary school in the middle of nowhere Florida, no one locked their cars.

My home growing up was littered with these. My mom is/was a bit of a religious nut. She’s since calmed down a bit.

What would work better? Showing the diploma or her receipt from a Holiday Inn Express?

I downloaded Goat Simulator and Battlefield 4 for the PS4. I’ve burned out on Fifa and can’t play MLB the Show since Jose Fernandez passed away (favorite player on my favorite team).

Another gem is that they get money for books, then sell them back once the year is done. And when I say ‘they’, I mean every scholarship athlete that gets a textbook stipend.

This past Spring, I was torn a new one by my boss for working late 2-3 days a week. I have complained about work-life balance and he accused me of sabotaging myself. However, the nature of my work is very ‘spotlight’ and I’m dealing with internal customers non stop from 9-5. Which leaves 5-7ish prime time to do all

Before the new uniforms and only then in my dreams.

He’s woke. Send him to Jez.