
I’m an american spurs fan. They fit my american sports teams (Miami)...always high expectations with a promising team but only disappoint and never do better than their rivals. Well...lately at least.

Awesome! I literally started yesterday. Wow am I sore! I willingly took a five year hiatus from running since that’s all I did in college as a ‘student-athlete’.

I survived one and told them to shove it. I got the severance package in June and have lived off the fat of the land for a summer of travel and fun.

I’m a Dolphins fan in Boston. I’ve nearly had a fist fight with my father in law (a Patriots season ticket holder). My favorite bar doesn’t have a tv. At least I love rebuilding shit teams in sports video games. I’ll always have Madden for that.

My wife and I danced to Miss K by Deer Tick...except we changed the words to make it not about falling in love with a hooker.

This seems to be a Boston thing regarding fixing infrastructure. Let’s repave the roads...but spend more money by masking it as an IndyCar race. Just like how we’d fix the T by hosting the Olympics!

My wife is gone for the weekend and I have no other responsibilities. Good god can I get sucked into MLB The Show 16. My back is killing me from having my face pressed agains the TV to best see the ball out of a pitcher’s hand.

I agree! Just providing a personal story to describe a potential unintended consequence.

Great idea! My 2 cents would be to figure out what’s ‘native’ and not make the bouquet just native flowers. At my wedding, my wife insisted on having all native wildflowers for our flowers. Cheap and awesome. The florist refused when my wife mentioned a flower crown. In the summer, the bugs would have been a menace

I fixed a break in the toilet change that controls the plunger. Just looped it through the now two chains and twisted the clip until the two chains were reunited. I first didn’t twist the clip to tighten which caused the toilet not to flush properly since the chain was too loose.

Truly a gentleman and a scholar. I do love him, but love that gif in that link even more.

The hitter loses the red dot as the ball travels. Really not fair when your only tip is if his fingers are coming around the ball during the release. Which, as you said, really isn’t fair and not much of a tip to which pitch is coming when the difference is a pant soiling 20 mph difference between curve and fastball.

I wholeheartedly agree, but I felt the sweeping generalization of just the deep south was appropriate for this story. We can open the scope of this conversation by just simply comparing public and private schools.

The further we machete into the deep south, the more discoveries in racism we make. When do we find the El Dorado of racism? What is it? Not rhetorical.

Like when my very religious family members...especially my younger cousins say something very conservative.

I want Chuckie to keep doing the fake interviews until someone actually hires him. This is the outcome.

Is this some sort of...Bizarro-world sequel to Good Will Hunting?

Thank god my wife and I are on the same page here.

And now Spurs crumble and we still have St. Totteringham’s Day... Gotta be kidding me.

I’ve been on the phone all morning trying to work a trade to replace him. My boss has also said something about 80 day...or was it year... suspension and security is here with a box and a frown. However, Pesky Pole Smokers has Daniel Murphy on his bench with a terrible pitching staff. I can make something work, if IT