Thinking skylark as wel... distinctive low sitting body
Thinking skylark as wel... distinctive low sitting body
Slow as Honda civics/ Toyota corollas with rear wing you can fly a 747 with
Agreed! Been saying that for years! Keep all dash lights OFF until headlights are on
Not even found on my laptop.....
Fast Lane Truck will test it out in colorado....the Ram 3.0 managed almost 34 at 75mph at a mile up
Bring with the oil burner to USA, preferably the 3.0l from f150
I say they strictly go by ticket sales only, how many tickets were sold.... titanic would not even be in the top 100.
What is it with VW taking all of Fords discarded names.. Atlas (F150) concept. Phaeton old Lincoln from the 30s.....
Now add some gel alcohol and some liquid oxygen, THEN, then we have a party!
Ford f150 headlights just on wrong side
3.0l diesel anybody? That is THE engine choice needed..... 35mpg or better
Dont forget the payments for the tractor...sure those are daily payments....hahahaha
Toyota Tundra with ugly ass front end.....
Democrats clintons obamas republicans all of them...
That is why I prefer rugby.....much safer, eill get kicked off team and out of league/union for a year doing that crap.
Maybe an upset squirrel, but not as much as an angry one
Not a test mule but one from Mexico comming up for some shoppimg here in San Antonio,TX.
So much for the global warming/climate chabe for the ice melting there
All of you need to take you ADD meds....started off pizza racists and football....ended up kids in the 80s and flying , oh look a kitty.
Love the piece.