I guess the question is: What DO you like? I am not sure I have ever encountered someone that didn't like at least one of those movies.
I guess the question is: What DO you like? I am not sure I have ever encountered someone that didn't like at least one of those movies.
I don't know. There was vague poster of a skier in the background, that could be seen as a Minotaur if you squint your eyes. The whole thing is about a Minotaur.
Eyes Wide Shut episode airs on Stanley Kubrick's birthday. Coincidence?
National Football Hall of Fame: "Twin Peaks Won't Air Until 2018!"
I thought there was going to be flashing text on the screen saying "David Lynch Dream Sequence" at one point.
Chris, whatever happened to Geena Davis? She used to be in movies, but she's not in movies anymore. She's attractive enough but when she smiles you see too much gum. Not a good tooth-to-gum ratio… Chris? Ah, I'll tell you in the morning.
Nadine Hurley is a billionaire silent drape runner magnate.
Mickey's Garmonbozia Adventure!
There will be a lot of foreshadowing about James. "I hope I can frame a biker one day", etc.
The first 8 episodes will be Evelyn Marsh backstory.
To me, I think what was scary about it is the fact that it was a brand new house. Before that, as a child, my conception of "haunted" houses was the old gothic, abandoned house. This made it "possible" for your newer house to be haunted.
There is really nothing surprising about this trailer based on Superman and Batman comic book story lines in the past 25 years. Based on the complaining, I guess most people's entire perception of the characters comes from the Super Friends cartoon?
One of the things that bothered me in the prequels is how much they sucked.
I have a theory that Hayden Fox is actually Steven Freeling from Poltergeist after abandoning his family and changing his identity in hopes of escaping the evil force that stalked him. I'm not 100% sure, but I have a feeling this will be explored in the new Coach series.
Why do the scientists keep making them?!
He's at home, washing his tights!
Well, he WAS forced to give up his life's work to a huge corporation for nothing….no, wait, he voluntarily sold it for billions.
"Christopher Nolan sucks at the following things: emotions,screenwriting, understanding time, directing, thinking about things, doing things, life, Batman stuff……but the movie is okay, ugh, B-"
Also he spent a good portion of the first film traveling around the world without ID or money and training on frozen surfaces….I know that forces people to remember things, but life is hard.
If Gordon remains this close with Bruce Wayne, he'll have to be a complete idiot to not realize who Batman is, when it gets to that stage. "Hmm, I wonder if it's that kid who reads police files, always talks about saving the city, and gets excited about vigilantes?"