Mayor McCheese

Did you have the same backwards-talking dream with the flaming cards?

If they bring in The Reaper as a recurring pre-Batman vigilante, it could be really interesting. I doubt they will, though. I already sit there thinking, so just 15 years or so until Batman arrives?

I am surprised at so many "I stopped watching in Season 2" comments. Yes, there is a dip in the middle, but the finale is incredible. I have never seen anything like that episode on network TV since. ABC basically buried it, but the fact that it aired there at all is pretty amazing.

This article confuses when it aired vs.the dates in the story line. This year is 25 years from the date in the story line where Laura says "See you again in 25 years". However, she says that in another dimension that seems to be outside of time as we know it, so there's that. I just want to know how Annie is. HOW IS

Gonzo: "I want all my Garmonbozia!"

And it came from Egypt and not Romania, which points to the weird hieroglyphic story line. "The Master" doesn't seem very Dracula-esque, but you figure he's gotta show up eventually or why would you name half the characters in the show after that novel?

There are some pretty legendary stories associated with the 1993 Phillies that could make this pretty entertaining.

Robocop statue Vs. Rocky statue: Who would win? It seems like Robocop would, but Rocky ended the Cold War. That's hard to do.

Breaking Bad: Havana Nights

Definitely.There are several bands that made careers from emulating The Bends-era Radiohead. Radiohead could have gotten a few more hit records from that sound alone.

They don't give the exact address, but it sure seems Megan is living in the area where the Sharon Tate event will take place later that year.

I like the Batsignal in the background. It's kind of a subtle F-U. "Just kidding folks! You'll never see Batman."

That's like the live action Star Wars series Lucas promised sans anyone or anything people love in the Star Wars Universe. Somewhere this was seen as a good idea.
"Let's give Batman fans no Batman!"
Executive: "Great idea!"

You can trace their influence through everything in rock from the 1970s forward. You don't have to like them to see or appreciate that.

Because people like to think they are smarter than everyone else. It's complete revisionist BS. Listen to any hard rock song from the last 40 years and you will hear Zeppelin influences. Yes they ripped off old blues songs, but their importance is undeniable.