
Not a paranormal story, but I was incredibly creeped out by this.

When this happened, I was living in a small house with my boyfriend (now my husband) and our two cats. I was especially close with our male cat, my baby. My boyfriend always joked that he followed me around like a little dog. He was always happy to see me, always wanted to cuddle me, and would even lick my hair when

I’ve been waiting for this thread all year! I’m a bit late to the game, so I hope someone finds this next story of mine to be as unnerving as I did when it happened. In the spirit of these stories, this is true - take it from me, internet stranger. Only two paranormal things have ever happened to me in my life. I told

My grandmother was known in our family as “the psychic,” which was always said half-jokingly, but in truth she always freaked us out with the things she knew. Sometimes it was sweet and cute - we would take turns trying to surprise her with birthday or Christmas gifts, only to have her rightly guess what it was before

I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

I might be a little late considering the 804 comments ahead of me but...

WORD. Our last home was next door to a house that had been the site of a couple of suicides, and we went through three different sets of neighbors in five years who claimed it was haunted. Because of this, I asked our realtor to point-blank ask about deaths in the house if we felt like we might be interested. I guess

Not so much scary, but definitely creepy, and a legendary story in my family.

When I was 30, I decided it was time for me to take my first road trip across the United States. I was young, fearless, and eager to see as much as I could. At the time I was seeing a guy who wanted to travel the first few weeks with me, and then split off when we got to New Orleans at Jazz Fest. My plan was to

I’ve told this before but it’s my only scary story...

My father grew up in Florida. His mother died when he was a teenager of lung cancer and in the fullness of time his father was remarried to the woman I would know as my grandmother.

She entered the marriage with a house that had been passed down to her in the middle of an old-growth orange grove. It was a classic old

We had a friend of the family named Ruth, who had been a college friend of my grandmother and very close to our family. She wasn’t married and didn’t have kids, but she was an infinitely sweet and generous woman who was a very dear auntie to all of us. Ruth also had an amazing house: a sprawling stone house with Tudor

I was 16 and it was 1999 and I was SO excited to have the internet. Every night, I would wait for the dial-up modem to fire up (after multiple fails) so I could ICQ or explore chat rooms late on school nights in our living room in the dark. Our CPU tower sat on the desk next to the monitor. One night, while I was

My husband and I bought our house about four years ago. We knew at the time that the former owner died in the house, but it didn’t really bother us, as we’re not the type to believe in spiritual things.

There goes my day.

We moved into our dream house in the country about a year ago, and shortly thereafter discovered that the curiously bent tree near the driveway is a Ute prayer tree, most likely pointing the way toward the grave of a warrior or other important tribe member. Being history buffs, we were pretty thrilled by this

I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.

This story happened to my brother (Chris), about two years ago.

I have no scary stories. But I am currently living in a much nicer apartment than I should be able to afford because the last tenant committed suicide in it, and the owner had to keep dropping the price because they have to disclose that information and no one wanted to live there.