
Oh perfect, just in time for spooky season a list of romcoms on streaming rather than horror movies!

Spliffs are for poors.

 What quaint little town do you hail from? I haven’t seen an active drive in decades.

Or just leave them since most are good for pollinators, plus my bunny will love you if you leave some dandelion leaves for her.

Yeah, I get that they don’t want to offend the homeless, but yeah, everyone on earth has a better place than public transit to do that.

Sorry you’re just not cooking seitan right, they make fake chicken tenders with it at a diner near me and they are amazing.

I could have written this post. I wish us both the best of luck.

I think a lot of people in this situation are using their own phone they pay for as a work phone, not the other way around. (Myself included.)

Well fuck, I say they should curse whenever they god damned feel like it.

As a member of the human race, fuck your pig spouse.