See, this is what I wanted “ABCs of Beth” to be—even though I love the episode, and it’s heart-on-sleeve climax. This, however, feels far more graceful. Rick can’t outrun the people he shackles himself to, which is why he can go Tom and Jerry on the president. He doesn’t care about the president, but even if he can’t…
“From certain angles, he looked like a smudge.”
“Louis closed the browser window and sat down, deflated. He sighed as he cupped his face and began to weep, silently at first, into his hands. A.V. Club commenter, The Almighty Interrobang, had spoken, and his judgement rendered harshly.”
Personally, I think I really loved the ending. What was Twin Peaks about? Strip away all the lunacy and what was it about? It was about a dead girl and the FBI agent trying to solve her murder and thus symbolically save her.
All that work to find WOT, and no one’s here.