
"Covered in weird stains and really holy." So a vestment that a Pope used as a jizz rag?

I don't recall which reviewer bashed the first 5 episodes of this 2nd season in their review, but while I agree with them that the show has been less crazy bananas and fun as compared to season 1, there's still Starr's shit eating elfin grin, still some (but not nearly as much) T&A, and the four female leads are still

Whoa, thanks for the heads up!

"Evil chaos deity final boss" could also apply to the somewhat similar in name Aku from "Sumurai Jack". Plus, they kind of looked a bit similar.

Crazy, probably bongheaded theory, apologies in advance if someone else has a firsties on it already, haven't dived into the comments section yet.

It wasn't knowingly serious, and like most everything I write, it was written with a lot of drugs in my system.

Your comment didn't go to far enough!
Believe you me, I am stupid.

Wait, is it South Korea or North Korea in the spirit world?!?

Totally agree.
This goes back to previous episodes as well. There was that hetero normative* exchange where Korra exclaimed that she thought the man was suppose to propose to a woman, which aside from pissing me off so badly that I had to use hetero normative in the first place, was so off base and wrong in what in

Sorry Space Pope, you beat me to that reference.
Those lines from ALL MY CIRCUITS always spring to mind whenever I come across an amnesia plot.

Wait, does anyone here NOT have amnesia?

Nathan Ford's Evil Twin/dygitalninja: Is wrong.


Fringe, "White Tulip". Yes, he can and has aced deadpan, especially in "Naked Lunch", but with "White Tulip" Weller showed he can do emotionally raw, naked and vullnerable. In Sci-Fi no less.

They're going to power couple level up and take over as world wide meth kingpins.
Sadly, Meth Damon will end up killing their son, after he witnesses Daddy performing illicit deeds. This leads to Lydia becoming a METH head, but she finally gets her revenge by mucking with the balance of their heavy, cutting edge

Walt's going to get back in business with ferarious characters which eventually leads to his death?
Walt's going to reveal information to said nefarious characters and his protégée is going to have to whack them?
Walt's going to take over the car wash and turn it into an auto mechanic shop?
Skyler's going to get killed?

What the fuck are you on about, Violet is awesome!
That's how you use your powers when you're an 800 year old monogamist dating a half faerie fuck machine with a history of cheating, by never touching his dick!
Best (well, 2nd, after bare back and front sun bathing in snow capped mountains reading a book on a lawn

Totally. They didn't quite do a death montage, but they totally almost did a death montage.

"20 Years to Midnight" & "Viva Los Muertos" & "The Revenge Society" &…well, a cuntgaggle of A's.

The deer teeth bit was a tad disturbing (least until Bill put 'em back in), but it was the slowed down end credits song coupled with that slow pan across the forest that really gave off that creeptastic Twin Peaks vibe.