
FINALLY. Some of us have had this opinion since Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement.

Just to be clear, when all things are not equal: I’d obviously marry Peter and never let him out of my sight.

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

Weird how Tom Sandoval confuses being a battered wife with being a self-loathing coward who could have gotten out of this relationship years ago.

I saw the show with Javier Munoz as Hamilton and I vastly prefer him in the role, both vocally and as an actor.

No it’s not a TV show, they’re personal friends of Kara Brown.

Same team! I cannot fathom the idea of being expected to rush to the ER (not visit in the hospital, mind you) for a coworker with whom I have a tenuous-at-best best (if not a downright contentious) relationship. I would not want a frenemy coworker showing up if I was in the ER. But I am not an attention black hole

Who else distinctly remembers where they were/what they were doing when they found out about Diana?

I’d do it. I’d totally do it. Sign me up for that train wreck. I find him weirdly sexy and he clearly has some kind of crazy charisma.

I can’t get past the fact that they got married on a Wednesday. Like. I get that their “job” is at a restaurant and that their job is to film a reality TV show, so I guess it vaguely makes sense, but also WHO GETS MARRIED ON A WEDNESDAY????????????????


Now for the most glorious time of year, Bachelor in Paradise.


also i haven’t recovered from this yet

Bill Cunningham didn’t need no stinkin’ bike lanes. Another star of old New York takes his place in the sky. He will be so missed. Thank you for sharing this.

Given how much he’s gushed about them to the media, it's going to be really embarrassing for Bill when someone has to explain that he’s been confusing HBO and NESN this whole time.

I love it! : )

k but where the hell is the toaster oven