
The white supremacists that Trump and Sessions and the GOP are catering to view immigration by brown people as a hostile takeover. Do you not know this? Did you miss Trump’s declaration that Mexicans are sending rapists and violent criminals to the United States? Did you miss how he won the election by promising to

I agree with what you are saying, but I am not speaking about political goals here. The white minority will retain power and wealth long after they are no longer the majority for reasons you mentioned and many others. I’m speaking specifically about the people who believe that making America great again necessitates

I mean, shit, if anything the US was more totalitarian in our grandparents’ days. Especially if you were a minority in the South.

If you think about how much of the US was Mexico before the war it makes zero sense to kick the Hispanics out. White people came and occupied places where brown people WERE ALREADY ESTABLISHED, ffs.

Sessions’ racial agenda has been clear from day one. But tbf, he can’t help his racism since he’s possessed by the ghost of a dead confederate general.

I’ve been doing exactly this for the past 2 months after I realised that I simply could not keep up. I’m not American or in the US but a totalitarian US is a danger to the whole world and if the second to absolute happens (The absolute worst leaves us all glowing and the tardigrades inheriting the Earth) we’ll need

Me too. Trump is dangerous, but he’s a bumbling fool. Sessions is focused and organized enough to make sure all of his policy initiatives come to fruition.

“Sessions indicated that immigration reform was the job of Congress”

I read or heard somewhere this weekend, and I wish I could remember where it was, that during times like these, everyone should be keeping a journal and just writing down the way things are- so that as our country slips into totalitarianism, and democracy is lost, we can remember what life was like. That is to say

This piece of shit administration couldn’t see compassion even if it hit them in the face. This is their petty, racist, heartless, white nationalist essence at its worst. Fuck them all with a rusty piece of that fucking wall they want to build. Now I want to see where they’re going to find the money to deport 800,000

Hmm, and who was it that penned a letter that helped kill the DREAM Act? And who was it who fought bipartisan immigration reform with every resource he had, including his aide Stephen Miller, and together they killed it despite initially strong bipartisan support?

Oh right, it was Jeff Sessions.

This administration’s

I wonder how much she got paid for an extra argument/cry scene

For me it’s her overly rewarded mediocrity and victim complex and disingenuousness.

Some of us have been there since the very beginning of Swift. What the hell is she always squinting at?!

I know I’m gonna catch hell for this but I’m just so sick of Taylor Swift. Like, Kardashian-level exhaustion.

Best research we have to date indicates that suicide is usually an impulsive act. This is why we have suicide hotlines... if you can get a person to hold on until the impulse passes, they won’t commit suicide. Having a gun handy enables the impulse.

It’s not a ‘stranger’, it’s parents of your child’s friend. It’s not asking a ‘stranger’ on the street, it’s asking someone who is going to be entrusted with the actual life of your child.

Don’t let anyone ever tell you your home is safer with a gun in it.

It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.

I don’t have a problem with Taylor doing whatever she needs to do to get her hustle on. I have a problem with her publicity scheming being so obvious and her pretending it’s out of her control. Her “dating mistakes” are her career; she hinted at all her famous exes in her liner notes and pre-1989, acted extremely