
I tried messing with filters to see if something would pop up in the picture. I either see a close-up of a Manhunt mask, or a man with his hands on his hips standing next to a lake. I also found out I have unusual reactions to social situations and latent homosexual tendencies

I tried messing with filters to see if something would pop up in the picture. I either see a close-up of a Manhunt mask, or a man with his hands on his hips standing next to a lake. I also found out I have unusual reactions to social situations and latent homosexual tendencies

I tried messing with filters to see if something would pop up in the picture. I either see a close-up of a Manhunt mask, or a man with his hands on his hips standing next to a lake. I also found out I have unusual reactions to social situations and latent homosexual tendencies.

The 1- 900 death knell to me was the Police Academy CARTOON 1- 900 number. Even as a kid I knew that was a bit of a reach.

GTA: Vice City. It was fun and funny, and I drove the streets for over a year. Plus, I didn’t have to eat or exercise. :D

You did a great job at the reins of the ‘Shop contest. I’m glad you’ll be sticking around Mike!

“The management and staff of the Salt Lake Holiday Inn Express welcome you!"

RiffRaff’s ok. Definitely yes to Yoko! You made me like her!

So THAT'S the new NX controller.

“Good.......Bad. I’m the guy improperly holding the gun."

Jesus, at the last second his mouth opens wide like a boa constrictor swallowing it’s prey.

I think the glass dome turns counter-clockwise to come off.

She routinely posts her full segments to YouTube, like John Oliver does. I’ve actually watched them more there than on HBO/TBS

I forget the artist’s name but if you look up -Tree of Life sculpture NJ- there’s one fairly clear picture of it.

No this one is in NJ and rusted on purpose. It has one branch of untouched stainless steel. It’s an interesting idea but Christ is it an eyesore.

It’s no worse than the rusted out piece of shit they call art near my building. At least this one looks like it was actually finished.

My niece created an incredibly difficult level that got about six plays, and was deleted. I renamed the level and uploaded it again. It was played about a dozen times (with one clear among them) and again deleted.

Winner-winner, chicken dinner!