
Hey. You’re Merlin? I’m Mark Wahlberg and I need that sword, all right? JUST GIVE ME THA FAWKING SWORD!

RiffRaff’s ok. Definitely yes to Yoko! You made me like her!

So THAT'S the new NX controller.

“Good.......Bad. I’m the guy improperly holding the gun."

Jesus, at the last second his mouth opens wide like a boa constrictor swallowing it’s prey.

I think the glass dome turns counter-clockwise to come off.

She routinely posts her full segments to YouTube, like John Oliver does. I’ve actually watched them more there than on HBO/TBS

I forget the artist’s name but if you look up -Tree of Life sculpture NJ- there’s one fairly clear picture of it.

No this one is in NJ and rusted on purpose. It has one branch of untouched stainless steel. It’s an interesting idea but Christ is it an eyesore.

It’s no worse than the rusted out piece of shit they call art near my building. At least this one looks like it was actually finished.

My niece created an incredibly difficult level that got about six plays, and was deleted. I renamed the level and uploaded it again. It was played about a dozen times (with one clear among them) and again deleted.

Absolutely! I couldn’t believe they hired Johnny Storm to play Cap, but his performance shut me up quick.

Winner-winner, chicken dinner!

“I can’t breathe in this thing!"

I have a hard time remembering if I read this story or wrote this as a fifth grader (1986), but it was a story about commerce of the far future.

What if they started a Build-A-Barbie franchise? You either have a party or give a gift card and the kids can put them together as they wish.

My wife and I were driving to the shore when,mid-conversation, what looked and sounded like a big red tennis ball came from the trees and bounced off the windshield. That’s what I was convinced it was until I found blood and little red feathers on my tailgate.

Joel's final episode, Mitchell, is classic.