
Uncharted: The Early Years of The Young Ted Cruz

John Travolta is Arnold Schwarzenegger as Robert Shapiro.

Me gusta.

You find Dennis Miller funny and your show has to be edited around you staring at women’s tits. What’s your instigation, Mr. Fieri? What is your instigqtuon?!

Am I the only person who read the headline and thought he was dead?

That’s not The Donald, it’s Ham Rove!

Jesus, video game consumers are very bitchy, greedy people.


“She is Lana Turner.”

I was starting to play the drums, so I was bakbeat3

Ma$e? Ma$e?!?!

Quote of the night:


The first time was in 1987 on either my or my friends console. Then a year later on a Pizza Hut cabinet.

Excuse me, but is that girl standing ON HER FUCKING CAT?!?

“Mime Being Born”.

This was the first movie I ever saw Michael McKean in and it’s strange that it’s primarily what I knew him from for a long time. I actually thought he was kick ass at the time (still do). Loved that leather jacket.

Just like most every app. It’s funny for about five minutes and then I swiftly delete them.

What’s up with the camera? Did Wiz get arrested in 1985?

I was hemming and hawking but once I saw the Splatoon WiiU pack, I went right out and bought it. I never would have even bought the system without Splatoon.