
Am I reading this right, insofar as they are so eager to be seen to be doing the right/proactive thing on domestic violence that they are overruling their own investigators, even when they recommend no action?

It’s people who believe in the same shit, but don’t believe in violent political action a la antifa members or BAMN members. These are both groups who openly state they are willing to commit violence to achieve political goals. Most normal people (anyone who isn’t okay with politically motivated violence) disagree. By

when antifa sink the levels of white supremacy (violence) they don’t get a pass

Can I like the logo but also find it racist and does that make me a bad person?

Fighting Irish.

You’re really not going to like it when they run for President on a ticket together in a few years.

I imagine it’s not entirely about what’s being stolen, but what tends to happen during looting. Doesn’t take much for these situations to turn violent, when competing with others while looting whatever. But I agree, food and water I’d hope wouldn’t carry any kind of serious sentence.

Eh, if you’re caught looting food or water, and the city wants to waste resources prosecuting it...great use of funds, I guess? Way to go, guys?

I’d be inclined to argue looting frequently devolves into violence, (heck, dead body) and as such police SHOULD be notified.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

You’re trying awfully hard to find a problem where none exists. Would you if Floyd were white? Probably not...

ASPCA is such a good place to give right now. Social media has been full of pics and videos of pets that have been abandoned to the storm. Some still chained up. It’s heartbreaking.

“using a homemade flamethrower to defend against neo-Nazis.”

This would be beyond great, but they need a slot guy now, not a sideline guy. Although Malcolm Mitchell has been banged up most of the preseason...

“I cheer for injuries because I’m an unrepentant anus”

Going out tonight for a friends going away party (off to Seattle form Boston, bon voyage!) and am going to have 7-8 beers and watch it at one of the bars we swing through.

Shall we crowdsource the perfect feminist Chinese-Caucasian baby name below?

I don’t think it’s too much to ask of a sports highlight show to show sports highlights. ESPN can do what they want, but turning your programming into a low rent op ed with a sports twist isn’t my idea of riveting television.

I no-foolin’ do not know what the take-away is supposed to be, here. (Mostly) white media hasn’t covered white supremacists enough. If they cover it more, they might give the work to (mostly) white reporters/journalists. White supremacists want to harm POC and POC journalists can be directly endangered if they try to