
How exactly does throwing every teammate he's ever had under the bus exhibit integrity or respect?  Few occurrences on this Earth are less likely than this dude taking accountability for anything.  They should've made his ass wait even longer.

Congratulations ESPN on the heretofore impossible accomplishment of kicking yourself in your own dick. Physicians and physicists alike will be studying this data for generations to come.

BREAKING: Ohio sends Urban Meyer to Congress

I don’t know to be honest. My wife would keep this from me because she thought she was trying to protect me. I’m not in anyway condoning his wife’s behavior if she hid it from him, but I could totally see me wife texting someone showing sympathy and concern while in the back of her mind going, “oh fuck, how do I

But we didn’t elect the socialist? do realize that fascism is firmly planted on the left side of the spectrum, correct?

Come on. It’s simple, “activist” = someone whose actions I support and “bad actor” = someone whose actions I oppose. Just like “freedom fighter” and “terrorist.” Why is this such a hard concept for Facebook?

As a former Bernie supporter I totally get the #WalkAway movement. I stayed home on election day because Hillary really was that bad. You know, to be honest, I got really drunk on election day and when Trump won Wisconsin I was all smiles. He beat the woman that stole the nomination from Bernie by rigging the primary

Awww does ANTIFA not like being treated like the bots they are?

You know who also aren’t bots?  #WalkAway

So what replaces it? Or is it a free for all, open borders, who gives a fuck who is here? At that point, why not just declare anarchy and be done with it?
Frankly, there’s a lot of things we can abolish and use that money for other things. I don’t think things like border patrol, customs and ICE are among them.

The most important question I have is what in the hell is Iowa doing having high school playoffs toward the end of July? How is that possible? 

Counterpoint: the comments section of any article where people working at McDonald’s are protesting and fighting for $15 an hour.

Remember, every commissioner’s job is to do what the wealthy guys want, nothing more, nothing less.

and their tireless hatred of the Clintons

Yeah... for all its many, many faults, Gawker was at least somewhat self-aware most of the time. They were über-lefty, but they knew it, and I always got the sense that they had the ability to laugh at themselves and recognize their own excesses. Splinter, on the other hand... well, they seem to actively discourage

It’s amazing how much your luck will change if you avoid being in situations where you get charged with stabbing someone to death.

But the simple fact is that telling yourself from the outset “This is impossible, so I won’t ask for it” is simply bidding against yourself. And bidding against yourself is a paradigmatic sign that you are a stupid negotiator.

OMG people are offended let’s immediately change everything!!

guess what, NOBODY really gives a flying fuck if you’re offended by anything you little bitch, the only reason any company ever changes anything to comply with SJW is if the negative press is bad enough. stop conforming this world to satisfy a few butt hurt

Why should he get paid more if he is still under contract? I understand his risk (as I do all players), but he has to wait just like anyone else.

It’s almost as if the NFL cares more about appearing to be tough on domestic violence then actually handing out fair judgments!