
Haha you got offended! Pretend to be a victim because you got your shit pushed in!

Did youget your shit pushed in?

What stomping?

I’malready tired of all the WINNING!

Damn straight what a fucking game! Now go get your fucking shine box!


What the fuck us she whining about?

Yeah, that’s what I do when I don’t get my way. DO OVER! DO OVER!

Yeah! I’m hearing from my sources that CNN is going to announce the elections reversal this morning to beat the Thanksgiving rush.

Keep projecting.

Yeah, me too, I’m hearing some funny things. Some people kidnapped on their way to their station.

Thatis exactly why you’re her right now! You must know that all of society thinks as I do. And people vote for a candidate solely on “social justice” issues like race..

Yeah man, I know two people who couldn’t vote because they didn’t have their Id on them, and the volunteers said that they had received order from Donald Trump Jr not to allow anyone ofccollege color to vote.

Exactl! What positive coverage has he ever received from from something other than fox, not that he deserves any.

Yeah man, do you think he’ll censor the media after he deports all eleven million illegals? Or after he bypasses Congress and declares marshal law due to the war he started in England? I mean what presidential candidate hasn’t done everything they promised to their idiotic base on the campaign trail.

What the fuck you gonna do about it you whiny litter fuck? Now go build your little regressive wing back up, since your little identity politics game didn’t work. You couldn’t even win with a divide and conquer strategy,

Yeah I’m sitting here scared to death! Can I get my next abortion? Will my boyfriend (who has two felonies), be deported? I heard from a reliable source that slavery is also on the table.

You precious little snowflake! Go put on your fucking safety pin and make my dinner!

You poor victim! Now go spread your legs and have another abortion while you still can!

You’r the one whining big Samer