
@ddhboy: Already exists, called Your Shape Fitness.

@Metro Charts: Um, no Glenn Beck's show is not, and anyone who has actually watched the show and LISTENED to him knows that. He plainly says on almost every show that he is just doing entertainment, NOT NEWS. He even says himself he has the qualifications of a rodeo clown. If YOU take him as doing news thenI guess

"It was the sole moment in history during which the Gulf of Mexico flowed north."

@LombardoJoe: Know something worse than PBR... Natural Light.

@MarlboroTestMonkey7: Except the only Zombies that eat brains are those of the John Russo variety. Really no other zombie movies other the the Return of the Living Dead series has zombies eating brains. Instead they are quite happy eating whatever portion of meat they can acquire.

We already know what happened to him, he sold his story for movie rights:

@alexbropa: no, they got their weapons on the planes by walking on with them. They were utility knives which were not banned at the time.

@edEx: How about doing like the Israelies do? They have a very reliable method of simply asking a few questions and then knowing if the person is hiding something without the need for all the security devices we have, but then they actually train their people to look for that and pay them properly. And the funny

@ninjagin: Actually number 2 was crafted because the founding fathers realised this is a country of re-action not prevention. Our law enforcement officers can't really arrest and try someone until after a crime has been committed. Thus it is up to each individual to do their best to protect themselves.

@lucasway89: How can you not see a correlaton between the higher "deaths by firearms" actually primarily occur in states of the US which have TIGHTER gun laws.

After seeing you dance I don't feel so bad about mine, though I will admit I was sweating like a pig after an hour. Loosen up a little though, you don't always have to do the robot :).

@HandsomeHorse: That is why there is practice mode where you reduce the speed by up to 50%. This isn't a mode for the guitar hero gods who just throw it on expert and burn through the song first try, it trquires practice. As for those paticular runs on crazy train they are pretty easy as they are taps, not picks.

@gthing: Why doesn't hulu work with your Boxee? Works great on mine. What happens when you try to launch it?

@DfizzleShizzle: I believe you mean the 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds by Orson Welles. Even though deaths, miscarriages and premature births were reported none were confirmed.

@apierion: and how is someone over say 40 suppose to learn new skills when they can't get re-training, can't get hired because they could hire someone fresh out of college for $25k a year AND they don't have to worry about the person getting retirement if they cut them before they retire. I see it all the time in my

@Lizard_King: Yes Blockbuster had many missteps but it was a lose lose situation. Adapt their business model to more closely match Netflix's which would result in closing down all of the stores and everyone screaming at them for being a big bad corporate company putting profits ahead of people, or don't adapt and go

I don't know man, after being forced to sit through 12 hours of back to back Star Wars (EP I-VI) when I went to expose my kids to the series I have to say the first three prequels actually fit prefectly with the last three movies. Luke Skywalker really is his father's son (hell after watching EP I-V I was thinking

@ApollyonBoB: On the executive salaries, not really bullshit. In 1970 the top 1% of earners received 9% of the total money coming into a company. As of today the top 1% of the earners receive 23.7% of the money coming into a company. There is one other point in the past 100 years that has happened, 1928, just prior

@NanorH: That's the Boxee box that has that.