
i have no problem with this. strike for what you believe in, that’s awesome. but a business is a business, this no doubt cost them money. the strike was to say “hey, what would happen if there were no immigrants to work these jobs?”, and the businesses answered: do what it takes to stay open and hire someone else.

At the end of the day Amy Schumer isn’t really that funny unless your like an overweight introvert with fat arms that has no idea how the real world works socially. She’s trash.

I mean seriously though? At the end of the day we’re talking about a highly produced, 3-minute music video that was churned out of a profit machine modernly designed to capture views, incite tween worship, and generate revenue for the ultra wealthy.


Not hard at all. Amy Schumer’s whatever-it-was is lame and stupid. Never said it wasn’t. The worship and deification of Beyoncé on this website is sometimes almost frightening.

I know this is incredibly difficult for the writers at Jezebel (and many commenters) to understand, but, Beyoncé is just a woman who sings a couple catchy songs. That’s it. Just some woman with a good voice that none of us knows personally. Commence the gnashing of your teeth and screaming how wrong I am.

I’m still trying to wrap my headaround the fact Amy Schumer actually has fans...

Weird, I own firearms and also think Schumer is hilarious. but what do I know?

I am trying, very hard, to come up with SOME sympathy for KK, but I just can’t. I am sure she went through a horrible ordeal, but I just don’t Kare. I am glad to hear that production of KUWtK is on an indefinite hiatus. Hopefully they will be able to discover that living in the limelight may not be as alluring as it

An 8 year old? Forgive me but...this transgender shit has gone too far. How the fuck does an 8 YEAR OLD know what he wants to be? At least let the poor kid go through puberty or something

God, shut the fuck up. We are still allowed to tell the world that Hillary makes us hold our noses at the ballot box, because you have to be insane to be “whole hog” for Hillary. She is terrible, it’s just that the other guy is worse.

There are no guarantees in anything genius. Negligence occurs. Except that if you resist arrest (which is ALWAYS pointless and stupid) you are guaranteeing force will be used on you.

I'm not voting for Trump. Having said that, I think it's pretty stupid to attack someone like Jimmy Fallon because he wasn't rude or insulting to Trump. Those are the author's priorities, but because she considers them-self-evidently right, she feels that everyone out there except those reprehensible "deplorables"

“It’s a turn of phrase”

It's a stupid one.

I've never understood how people can make a comment like this (talking about cutting off someone's testes) and believe they're actually a decent person with good ideas and a working brain.

I dont get why more people don’t understand this simple fact. It’s like, what were you expecting, realistically?

It’s not a comedy show host’s job to push a fucking agenda. Not everything is the goddamn Daily Show.

Trump is a clown but boy is it fun watching liberals freak out as Hillary implodes. President Trump is going to be great.

Oh wow, fantastic. You wouldn’t be saying that if your spouse or other loved one was an officer.

Are there any other jobs in the country that would require the amount of dedication you expect from police? Would you let someone literally try to kill you in order to determine if they have a real gun or not? What do you want the officers to do? Stand around waiting until one of them gets shot before they do anything?