
"minor hit" it was a worldwide hit, went to number 1 in loads of countries. Anyway, I liked this version without degrading them or Madonna,,,fancy that?!

Just listened to Dark Fantasy and Power, really interesting stuff, these are not like what he has on radio. K, I'm open to it now. He should tone down the public persona, it detracts form his abilities, which I now admit he obviously has.

True, in fact, after I did, my mind started to change about this whole Glasto/ Kanye thing. Who are we to stop change? It's 2015, it's not like rock bands are lighting up the charts, so why can't Kanye play the main stage? Yeah, I accept it now, still not sure I'll go, but I accept it.

lol, honestly, I do love my brother, he's great, but a lazy shit. Look, I am going to Glasto, so I am allowed to not like who is on. But yes, I have gotten a bit hard on him mainly due to his personality. Who knows, maybe I'll check him out on Saturday, but you have to admit, the guy doesn't make it easy when he

Okay, you got me there, I am devastated at how Chic were robbed of further success and the world missed out on more amazing Nile Rogers funk and disco and for what? Morons with mullets for hairdos! These debates have made me think a bit more about why I don't like him. His personality and the image he projects do not

lol, I love my brother, but if you need an exit, please take it, you are obviously well out of your depth- just like Kanye is for Glasto.

Well if you want me to simplify.

Fair enough question; actually, I have listened to all of them. My brother is a huge fan and played his first 2 albums night and day, before I moved out and got my own place. My brother is older than me, still lives with our parents, has no job, did not go to college but dreams of being a rapper/hip-hop/ pop

I agree, but only under experimental conditions. However, correlations do exist, and it is difficult to minimize 100,000 signatures when one considers that number is just shy of the average attendance at Glasto. I think you also miss teh main point, sure many stars are narcissits, but Kanye is far worse, he is a

I agree. However, I think others might be minimizing the potentiality of it all. Never before has this happened, it is a turning point and might prevent shite acts being signed for Glasto in the future. Just to clarify, it's not 60,000, but is right now just shy of 90,000 signatures, that is in 3 days.

I see no reason why one would have to be an adult to use logic, I myself prefer to engage in 'critical thinking'. By the way who are you quoting by "adult logic", or did you just mean to highlight? Very adult of you, just like spoiled lil Yeezy weezy.

What are you on?!? I am going to Glasto, have my ticket bought so I have every right to be pissed off. What's your excuse, apart from having Yeesus juice slobbing off your bottom lip? Also, I never claimed it would make it a fact, but it certainly makes it significant. Kanye is a douchebag not worthy of the stage at

Well I can assure you I am none of this you wish I was in order to make yourself feel better about the fact, that now almost 100,000 signatures have been signed in 3 days!! You can attempt to generalize "sorts of people", but any scientific researcher or poll expert will tell you that 100,000 signatures is a

It doesn't, but 90,000 opinions and counting might. I could easily ask you the same question, but there is no point. The reality is Kanye is shite and people don't want his spoiled brat alien voiced 'music' at a Brit Festival.

Em, hello, there are now 90,000 signatures against Kanye in only 3 days so its hardly just about me, or racism. I saw jayz and Beyonce at glasto, loved both and there were no petitions against them so spare me the racist card, you are just hiding behind it because its easier for you to believe than the truth which is

Yeah, like when the French think they're intellectual or Americans think they're free

Racists? No, people with taste in real musicianship, vocal ability, dancing even. Kanye can do none.

You see even in both comments you use "really". I think this is really bad for him, it is no merit to be the highest petitioned act in UK history to be told to piss off from Glasto. Guess he is the best at something after all.

I disagree, this could start a trend for him. Kanye and his man trick are wholly dependent on public opinion.

*75 thousand now, and counting… the next highest petition against a Glastonbury act was Metalica with 25 thousand, though that took weeks to accumulate and was spearheaded by animal rights groups due ot the band shooting bears etc. This is really awful for Kanye, I imagine by the time he plays, if he does, that