
I don’t know that the prosecutor really had a straightforward case in using the physically helpless definition in the statute either. I haven’t seen an actual account or transcript of the trial, but this article has repeatedly used the phrase “blacked out.” Blacked out is not the same as passed out or unconscious.

Imma go with Googoo.  Or Caca.  Nah, Googoo.

His girlfriend (not wife, which the article also gets wrong) was with him for more like five or six years, although I’d have to google for the exact figure. Bundy did not marry until after he had been convicted of the Chi Omega murders and was already on death row, and his bride was not the woman he was involved with

He did kill at least a few minors, one of whom was just 12. Which child are you referencing? I’ve never heard of impalement associated with Bundy.  

Yeah, Efron does look like he’s done a creditable job with Bundy’s mannerisms and facial expressions. I like him as an actor; I think he’s underrated. If he was going to take his shirt off, though, he should have lost some of that ripped physique. That was jarring to me.  Bundy was generally on the thin side, and not

Unfortunately (or not, really) the two-party system isn’t going anywhere. And not because of a corrupt media or corporate oligarchs or whatever. No, our political and electoral system was designed that way, on purpose, in the Constitution. If you really want meaningful 3rd party participation in national politics?

ditto. I was trying not to go there because, ya know, opinions are like assholes so okaywhatever, Susan. The thing about how I’m voting with my vagina since obviously there is no other reason for me to vote Clinton other than it’s what my vagina wants though? Yuck. And she really knows better.

Of course she’s allowed. But if you’re not planning to be wedded for life, it’s better not to take vows promising exactly that. I don’t know of any dominant culture whose wedding vows are assumed to be temporary.

Not sure I agree...not that it’s a bad idea to live together pre-wedding necessarily, just that I don’t think all the shit really does come out. It will be a different relationship after-marriage whether or not, and no matter how long, you live together first.

If you’ve lived through this then you know that police *never* find evidence of a crime in this scenario. You—the woman—would have to be a bloodied mess for there to be “evidence of a crime.” And I’ll double down on that when the accused is a prominent, wealthy white male. I don’t care what state you live in, or what

I was disappointed when Clinton lost to the nomination into thousand eight. I promise you, however, that I did not take to the Internet scouting ridiculous conspiracy theories about how everything was “rigged” against her. And no one filed a lawsuit FFS.

Bernie Sanders isn’t working 9 to 5 for minimum wage. This is a lawsuit filed by self-identified Sanders supporters, many of whom like to accuse Clinton of being part of some nefarious “establishment” that poor Bernie has been unfairly excluded from. Which is ridiculous.

Again, It is not just the electoral college sidelining anyone. The two-party system is also the one that we used to elect our legislature. We use a winner-take-all, majority-rules electoral system—as laid out in our Constitution—not a parliamentary system like, say, Great Britain. That is the reason we only have two

The system is “currently structured” by our CONSTITUTION, and has been for over 200 years. The Democratic and Republican parties are not conspiring to keep anyone out of anything. You are demonstrating a fundamental lack of knowledge about our electoral process and why it is the way it is. Please take the time to

You’re assuming our two-party system is a modern creation of corporate-media-oligarch-republicrats, or whoever the evil genius behind it is supposed to be. The real culprit is, in fact, our Constitution. Our winner-take-all electoral system requires a majority rules method for picking the winner. There is no process