Mloclam McCoy Nomdnih

Not much of a Nolan fan and the dark and moody atmosphere that DC tries to give off is getting tired IMHO.

Which is why lawyers need to be savage.

More like "Restraining their arms from flailing at out at other people in their understandable but outta control rage",

If you can't upvote yourself how do you expect others to upvote you!?

The first thing is arguable. The second thing is wrong cause pedophilia is not better than "legal" "consensual" sex regardless of whom.

I don't think Kanye West is good enough to fuck Kanye West. Kanye West just isn't at Kanye West's level yet.

I do. I dont think archer is that great.

Space dandy was a disappointment, I really didn't want it to be and watched most of it but it was.

Im tryna go the year without bashing AOT, but no to that. NONONONO! NO!

You honor your name to a tee, sir, i respect that.

Dear god no.


You didn't read my response. Im not reading yours.

Oh im sorry that sentence was probably too complicated and "long" for you.

So you can't type coherent sentences nor can you read?

All you are proving is that you make a bunch wild dumb connections that aren't there and you keep tryna change the conversation by grasping at anything.

"I never said you were defending him for rape, I said you were defending a rapist."

You just proved yourself to be an idiot, because I never defended Cosby for what he did or didn't do (I have no opinion on that to be honest).

Beats spending all day stalking people's accounts to make an unrelated and irrelevant comment.

He's no Micheal Steele. Nibbledy wibbledy my bibble.