
The difference is that I don’t care.

That is exactly my point in what’s really wrong with this mentality. When someone wishes me “May the blessings of the Earth Mother be upon you,” they’re not imposing a custom on me: they’re extending their benevolence in what is customary to themselves. I, personally, am thankful eventhough I do not believe in such an

I get annoyed saying it over and over. I will say it to people I know if they don’t do it all the time.

Wow. Talk about a 1st world concern.

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

No can do. I will continue saying it. The exception being when I am around someone all the time like at work. If they would sneeze all the time/daily I would stop saying it.

I’m usually very middle-ground in my opinions regarding society, but this is one of those cases where I ask, “Why should the sneezing person care whether or not someone says ‘bless you?’” Most folks know if someone is having a sneezing fit, wait for a few moments for it to subside and extend the blessing. Likewise

Who the hell hired you? There is a laundry list of things wrong with this article. First off it’s not a “life hack” It’s opinionated politics and religion shoved down peoples throats and telling them how they should live their social interaction lifestyles.

Now playing

We could change it to Seinfeld’s version. It might give the receiver a boost to their self-esteem or lead to more sexual harassment claims.

Really, it’s come to this?