Miranda Lemmings

Well, those bigger releases of gas (according to Darwin) would occasionally leave the atmosphere. All of that gas built up near our planet and eventually collapsed into itself, forming the moon.

I have an idea for a device that could help my bed-ridden niece. She’s very ill and leaves the house only for treatment. From a young age, she’s always loved animals and dreamed about being a zoologist. She loves to watch Animal Planet and the Science Channel since she has nothing else to do in bed. Sadly, every time

It’s just a movie! The people aren’t actually dead

My husband and I met in person, and now kids these days meet by robot? I see a bright future for battery companies...

My heart sank when I read this. I like to think that from heaven Uber and Lyft smile below upon us. I’ll keep them in my prayers. I still can’t get over that they’re gone though...

I thought there were plenty of Marvels already, now there’s a new fella

You don’t think sweetness; it’s something you taste. Go ahead, try to make your brain eat a cookie. Did it work?

I think this question, while interesting, is shadowed by a far more pertinent one; What would happen if Earth didn’t exist?

My husband and I remember the days when we used just the pure resonance of our airs to hear things.

Were any glowsticks harmed in the making of this film?

wow, I was at the edge of my seat at that scene! I’m surprised Marvel sprung this on us without even previously hinting at the super-sizing ants!

Out of all the countries, the California has largest coastlines and is STILL in a drought? smh.

This debate was ended decades ago when they discovered water. Re-running the good ‘ol articles, eh?

I’m a bit surprised they didn’t mention “the Dark Knight Rises” since in the commentary of the movie they explained how they didn’t use CGI

the aliens probably got the idea to build a megastructure when they saw the great wall of china on Earth

well, since the big animals began to grow from that time, the weight of them on the earth has caused more gravity resulting in more air density

it would’ve been a lot better if the article had revealed the workers who did this before they succeeded and wrote this article