I wonder if Verizon users use more data because we where required to take the $30 all you can eat data plan? Me and my Moto-Droid one average 50-100mb a month. But when watching YouTube for 10 minutes can push your data usage up by 20-30mb.
I wonder if Verizon users use more data because we where required to take the $30 all you can eat data plan? Me and my Moto-Droid one average 50-100mb a month. But when watching YouTube for 10 minutes can push your data usage up by 20-30mb.
That are also a few PC motherboards. In fact I think I have the dual CPU mother in the middle of the picture. Where did i put that box of PC parts?
With Verizon testing LTE and all the smart-phones needing more bandwidth better data-times are ahead. So would the Verizon iphone use CDMA or jump to LTE or both?
When you number 1 you can afford to refresh your product once a year (apple). When you ARE NOT number 1 you have to run faster (droid) or get left behind (palm).
Got a great deal on the Moto Droid $150 for two. 2 year contract renewal.