
I think Intel should be ashamed for faking game play. Doing a demo that says "Hey look the ultrabook has enough CPU/GPU power to play a major game". When it really doesn't is major false advertisement. Bad is when you say it in print but I thinks it's criminal when you are supposed to be doing a live demo of the

I own the Belkin. Three issues with the Belkin. Because of it's weight and size it tends to fall out of the wall outlet. The three outlets are in a row, a power brick takes up two outlets. More serious is the USB ports on the Belkin only supports 5V @ 500ma. Not enough amperage to charge most smartphones. I use a

As others have pointed out, I watch more TV on Netflix because they have a terrible selection of movies.

People still use land lines? Business still uses landlines. Most of my friends have disconnected their landlines to save money and just use their cell phones.

I will be switching to the DVD only plan. As you pointed out, there is not much content on the streaming side that I really want to pay more for. When it's free it's fun to play with and try out. Some major issues with streaming, DVD's are easy to use and there is more content. My whole family knows when the red

One of my friends drinks 3-5 2-liter bottles per day. he had to switch to diet after his 25th birthday. One bottle in the morning, one at lunch, one at dinner and 1or 2 while watching TV before bed.

I would add "where you listen to your music" to the list. When I am at home where it's quite I listen to lossless music tracks on my high end headphones. When I am in the car I have to use the car speakers (it's illegal and stupid to use headphones while driving). I listen to 256Kbps music tracks, because with the was hire by Intel (yea the chip guys) as Director of Creative Innovation. so maybe he's starting a new style of singing? Maybe he's using an Intel based cell phone. Or he's just stupid.

You can stop at "Former employee" anyone who wants to bash their former employer has little to no credibility. Maybe "retired" would be more credible? I worked for Intel for +29 years. There where very smart and very slow people. Intel made major accomplishments and major mistakes, it all came down to people. And some

Yes it does get hot in Phoenix Arizona. On June 26 1990 about 3pm in the afternoon it hit a all time record 122 degrees Fahrenheit at Sky Harbor Airport. They had to shutdown take offs from sky Harbor because the official FAA weight/air temperature/take distance chart only went up to 120F. Take offs resumed when the

Yes be careful when destroying platters. IBM used glass/ceramic platters on some hard drives. When breaking platters the edges of metal/glass/ceramic are VERY sharp.

I use my bad hard drives for target practice. It feels great to hit your target. With enough holes I doubt any data is recoverable.

350 Million in 18 months is better then Vista but no big deal. Other people have commented that there are over 7 billion people in the world. And over 1 billion installed PC's worldwide. Almost every new desktop/notebook sold has Windows 7 installed. Vista was such a nightmare that most business have been on XP

Back in the day each TV station would set their own tint and color, so you had to adjust the color every time you changed the channel. When my dad changed the channel it took him a minute or two to get the guys face back to flesh tone from green. In the TV signal today there is a color calibration signal embedded in

I have been shopping around for a Win 7 tablet for the past six months and I have to strongly agree. Win 7 tablets are much bigger, have less battery life and the custom tables apps are just OK to really bad. But it's hard to beat the flexibility. I purchased a Asus T91 $285 refurb. It's worked out OK on a scale of

I support CES shows for over ten years. Yes the undiscovered little guy is the diamond in the ruff. Good hunting Giz.

The charity scams are on the rise during the holiday season. You get a call from save the puppies and they ask for a donation to keep the puppies warm, you give them your credit card number and bang the scamer is doing his holiday shipping

I also have a sliding keyboard smartphone. I think a tablet with a sliding keyboard is a great ideal, sign me up. I hate getting fingerprints on the screen and typing on screen makes it 100X worse. OK I could wash my hands more.

Yes is there anyway to tell the x-ray vs. the Tera-hertz body scanners?

The V1 is the best. I have own many RD before the V1 and they where all junk.