I know deep down that my "regular" maintenance is anything but

Am Kansan, can confirm

I learned to drive in joco and I can 100% confirm everyone over there is an aggressively clueless asshole. OP, Leawood and Olathe are the worst offenders.

That’s fucked up, man.

Cops can still definitely try to pull you over for it but if I remember correctly it won’t hold up in court. I could be wrong here, but I think a federal court determined it was protected by 1st amendment rights.

I’ve seen a undercovers use a prius, an early 2000s Grand Cherokee, and a 2010ish grand caravan. And numerous dodge rams/other contractor spec trucks


Good riddance, I say

Trump is utter shit but this was a good retort, I’ll give you that

So in this case, a forest?

I’m a VAG fanboy but that shit is funny right there

This is the best one

Interestingly enough, that’s actually a pretty typical feature of narcissism.

I don’t have anything of substance to say here, just chiming in to say I like your brand of cynicism

Your name is good

I just wanna say this is one of the polite-est/most civil resolutions of a misunderstanding I’ve seen on the internet in a while and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a lil bit warm and fuzzy

That’s nuts! Is the ass-stension some sort of retractable spoiler? (it doesn’t look like it would make significant downforce but I’m no automotive aerodynamicist) Or is it a fuel econ type deal?

These are all good points. I always forget how small vw’s market share is over here–in the KC Metro area there are like 3 (maybe 4?) dealerships within a reasonable distance, but we’re definitely the exception, not the rule

I’ve heard this about VW dealers a lot and of the 3 I’ve been to, only one has been what I’d consider decent (excellent, even.) If you live in a big metro area it might be worth asking the people in your local audi/dubs crew to see if there’s one they like. The dealer near me actually has a handful of employees that

My gott. This is lovely; how have I never seen it before??

bearer of excellent* news