I know deep down that my "regular" maintenance is anything but

AWD is gonna have more drivetrain loss than FWD, and the gearing might be in your favor. I know the way the 02Q trans is geared (MKV/MK6 GTIs) really helps them keep up with cars that, on paper, should be faster. I don’t know about the MK7s (I’m still learning about the platform; I’m a MKV/MK6 guy myself) but I

I knew it was gonna be a high number but 441 lb-ft was a real.... twist.

Even if we DID have bars and strippers everywhere, it’s not worth it... trust me.

Those wheels are dope as hell. I love me some weird 3/4 spoke wheels (ie work equip 01's or advan super racing v2's)

this is a painfully underrated comment.